Which Social Media Should You Post That Thing You Want To Share On

In summary, have you had an epiphany or found an interesting fact? That needs to go on Tumblr or Reddit, maybe Twitter if you can shrink a profound notion down to 140 characters. Are you emotional? Facebook or Tumblr is probably your best bet. Your joke can go anywhere really, although it’ll do better on Reddit or Twitter. All pictures of food: Instagram or, since you’re so pre-occupied with recording everything you eat, possibly that ‘Pictures of my edible friends‘ collage you’ve been making in your basement....

January 19, 2023 · 1 min · 100 words · Jeannine Reader

Who Needs A Pda When I Ve Got Paper

What is your experience on both PDA and paper-based organizer (Hipster PDA)? Which one do you prefer? Who needs a PDA when I’ve got paper? – [Guardian Unlimited]

January 19, 2023 · 1 min · 28 words · Michelle Terry

Who Needs Cable When You Can Create Your Own Tv Channel Guide Using Mohu

On top of paying for cable, you may also subscribe to streaming services like Hulu and Netflix, which have be viewed via another source such as a streaming media player or game console. Wouldn’t it be more convenient to watch everything you love from one place? If you’re tired of wasting money on expensive cable and would rather watch all your favorite content from a single source, you’ll love Mohu Channels....

January 19, 2023 · 1 min · 189 words · Otis Hall

Why Aiming For A Less Than 100 Can Optimize Learning

Why We Learned to Aim for 100% Society sets us up at an early age with a massive fear of failure. While most young children are willing to try almost any activity, we lose that enthusiasm by the time we hit puberty. We worry what people will think of us if we don’t do well, and we learn to give up on things that we don’t master right away. Yet, staying in that fearful mindset will cause you to miss out on both the joy of the learning process and your ultimate success....

January 19, 2023 · 3 min · 595 words · Michael Schmidt

Why Are We Afraid Of The Dark

Children who are aged 4 – 6 years old have the most fear of the dark and this only tapers off by age 9. As the DNA encoded with the children starts to have environmental feedback that there are no lions in modern darkness, the fear recedes. Still, up to 5% of adults remain fearful of the dark, which can have drastic consequences for their ability to sleep. Overall, fear of darkness is yet another evolutionary trait that may have saved our lives at one point, but is no longer always relevant....

January 19, 2023 · 1 min · 101 words · Mary Wachtel

Why Complainers Are The Most Miserable Ones In The World

1. “I deserve more.” This is often in the mindset of a complainer. They deserve more pay, more time, more this, more that. When you deal with a chronic complainer, you can bet you owe them something. You owe them stuff you never knew you owed them. They will often lack rationality and understanding of a situation. The Bottom Line: Don’t expect a complainer to be easy to please. 2. “I deserve better....

January 19, 2023 · 3 min · 564 words · Ellen Curry

Why It Is A Loss To Distance Yourself From Negative Energy

Negative energy means criticism, but confrontation builds confidence It was my job to make the funeral arrangements. I was the only one living in the same town, and uncle Bob had left no instructions. Still, I knew his favorite hymns, and I knew that he did not have a specific church affiliation. So, I contacted my church pastor and asked for him to officiate. Then I contacted a nearby mortuary and arranged for the casket, the viewing, and all of the other details....

January 19, 2023 · 11 min · 2277 words · Barbara Crawford

Why Planning Your Child S Future May Be Outdated

You thought that you had it all figured out You may have gone to school and worked your way into a vocation early in your adulthood. Perhaps you were young in an era when it was normal to think that having and taking care of a home would be the American desire. The dream was to purchase a fixer-upper, work on it, sell it and use the money earned to pay for 50% of your next house....

January 19, 2023 · 4 min · 675 words · Anita Quinn

Why Quinoa Is The Perfect Food For Diabetics

What is Quinoa? While it may be new to supermarkets in your area, quinoa has been a staple of the South American diet for centuries dating all the way back to the time of the Incas. It is native to the Andes Mountains and is able to survive harsh conditions. Quinoa is eaten like a grain with the Incas referring to it as “the mother of all grains”, but it is actually a seed....

January 19, 2023 · 3 min · 549 words · Thomas Fillare

Why You Can T Get Things Done It S All About Ritual

One of the biggest problems that GTD practitioners face is that the don’t have a GTD ritual to keep themselves in the GTD mindset. You must keep a GTD ritual to make sure that your systems are clean, you have a clear focus of work and what needs done, and to know when you are taking on too much work (or not enough). Here are the keys to keeping a GTD ritual so you can finally get some stuff done....

January 19, 2023 · 5 min · 862 words · Vicki Marchant

Why You Should Find And Develop Your Kid S Talents Early

As a parent, I must say that it’s difficult to find a balance between having expectations and wishing only the best for your kids. Although it comes from the brightest part of your heart, setting standards for your kid based on your vision and not on reality and their abilities will only create an area of pressure. Not being able to meet your standards will cause a line of frustrations for your children, and that’s something you definitely don’t want to do....

January 19, 2023 · 4 min · 782 words · Angelo Lacour

Why Your Partner May Be Cheating

Knowing about the infidelity is half of the battle Your willingness to leave may be one the keys factors in your significant other’s decision to cheat. But let’s not blame you completely, some people have a sort of sexuality that allows them to have sex with many partners and have no emotional attachment to them. If you have one of these for a spouse or are in a relationship with one you need to leave....

January 19, 2023 · 4 min · 788 words · Lula Adams

Writing Down Your Secrets Can Make You Mentally Healthier Study Finds

And if you’re thinking that those problems will stay under that rug without any consequences, think again, because surprisingly it could be doing some damage to your brain. Expressive writing could be one of the simple solutions on how to improve mental health. Keeping Secrets Damages Your Brain According to a neurosurgeon and chief executive of PINGMD, your prefrontal cortex is the one that’s in charge of decision making, complex thoughts, and deception....

January 19, 2023 · 3 min · 533 words · Ann Mccabe

You Are What You Drink Why Be Selective About The Milk You Consume

There’s nothing wrong with milk, and if you like it, there’s no reason you need to stop drinking it if it doesn’t bother your stomach. You should, however, be mindful when choosing which kind of milk to buy. The same way you might glance at the nutrition facts on your favorite brand of cereal before you decide to buy, you should pay attention to what’s printed on the front and back of a milk carton before sliding it into your grocery cart....

January 19, 2023 · 3 min · 611 words · James Liu

You Will Fall In Love With Diy With These Cheap And Creative Diy Hacks

DIY is not as difficult as it may seem, even if you are not the creative type. Simple DIY hacks are all it takes to get you cracking. Before long, you’d actually come to enjoy it and even look forward to making your own creative stuff. Did you know that a simple piece of chalk can keep your tools from rusting in a tool box? Don’t be scared of hammering your hand next time you are trying to secure a nail on the wall; just use a clothes-pin to keep it steady....

January 19, 2023 · 1 min · 119 words · Juanita Bush

You Won T Die If You Don T Buy Here S Why

Here’s an interesting statistic: Black Friday is a peak U.S. shopping day. A National Retail Federation Research shows the total spent on Black Friday in 2013 was a staggering US $57 Billion! That’s a lot of buying. Let’s begin with questions that help you find and plug the holes in your wallet. 1. What do you spend the most money on? You won’t forget the restaurant bill last weekend anytime soon but how much in any given month goes to groceries, eating out, fuel/car maintenance, the children and school-related expenses?...

January 19, 2023 · 6 min · 1084 words · Teresa Traylor

Your Face Doesn T Tell Your Attractiveness This Factor Counts More

What’s The Measure of Attractiveness? New research by Silke Anders, a professor of Social and Affective Neuroscience at the University of Lübeck, indicates that most people are drawn to people who understand their emotions the best.[1] So basically, if someone ‘gets’ us, we find them attractive. And the opposite is also true. The more certain we are of thinking that we know what the other person is feeling; the more attracted we are to him, or her....

January 19, 2023 · 2 min · 372 words · Linda Perrier

Dust Off Your Old Books

Set aside time. Take out a few 3 x 5 cards and write notes. Remind yourself of the key things that mattered. Ponder whether you’ve changed. Determine if you’re using the teachings without thinking about them. Revisit and reconsider. Share your learning outward. All of those will give you some potential ways to improve yourself with resources you already own and that you’ve already identified as valuable to yourself. And, as an added BONUS HACK, if you don’t really like the book upon re-reading, donate it to your local library and make room on your shelf for better books....

January 18, 2023 · 1 min · 115 words · Robert Brokaw

Effective Ways To Make Your Morning Much More Energetic

…If only. Yeah, let’s end the pretend game and snap back to reality. I’m no morning lover and chances are, neither are you (that’s probably why you’re reading this). Even if you prefer nighttime, you can’t hope to gain as much from being boundlessly energetic then, because our system favors being energetic during daylight hours. For some of us, this can be quite challenging. If you’ve tried many techniques already, and have so far miserably failed at enjoying fruitful mornings- always ending up with only a quick shower and a half-done blow dry before you run off to work- you need to try these techniques....

January 18, 2023 · 4 min · 777 words · Melissa Cunningham

Eight Proven Tips To Stop Feeling Stressed Out Overwhelmed Totally Exhausted

Is that normal? We accept these feelings as a part and parcel of our fast paced digital lives. As we go about our routines, we brush these little pesky feelings as a one-off and accept the signs as bad habits, tiredness, sugar cravings, or poor sleep, only to cause further damage in terms of confidence, relationships, health and our lives. Anxiety is a very real and unpleasant physiological condition and not one that we can brush off....

January 18, 2023 · 6 min · 1181 words · Robert Randle