How To Start Saving For Your Retirement And Live In Peace

You don’t want to still have to work a 9 to 5 while you could have been enjoying the rest of your life traveling around the world with your loved ones. Unfortunately, that’s the sad reality that so many people have to face. From this article, I’m going to tell you how to start saving for your retirement. You’ll be so glad for having done so as you’re reaching your retirement years....

January 18, 2023 · 3 min · 552 words · Norma Glenn

How To Take Notes Like Thomas Edison

How can we improve upon Edison’s system using today’s technologies? Obviously, we have invented the ball point pen to replace his messy quill and ink bottle so that notes can be written in real time. In his day, he perfected the typewriter. Today, we are no longer committed to getting stuff onto paper as the final form of record retention. Vast portions of Edison’s original archives have recently been digitized and can be viewed online....

January 18, 2023 · 2 min · 335 words · Stephanie James

How To Tell An Interesting Story In 4 Simple Steps

Use this as a guideline, but please keep in mind that we all think our stories are far more interesting than others do. Unless people are always telling you how interesting and hilarious you are, try to stick roughly to the proposed sentence limits. The worst is to have someone walk away in the middle of your story with some vague excuse, because your story was endless and they wanted to escape the monotony....

January 18, 2023 · 3 min · 538 words · Deborah Rendall

How To Train Your Brain To Think Fast And Think Smart

In that paragraph alone, there is a lot to unpack, but what’s important to note for now is this ability of his: Cold calling. Why do people fear it so much? Likely because it’s estimated that 75% of people have a fear of public speaking.[2] But digging further, it might also be due to people being unable to think fast in those situations. Looking further than that, there are likely all kinds of other social situations where you wish you could think fast....

January 18, 2023 · 8 min · 1585 words · Kathie Mcdermott

How To Treat Your Allergies Without Drugs

The lesson is free for the first week, after which, it will cost $1.99 if you haven’t subscribed to it during the free period. All other lessons are available at $1.99, alternatively, a $4.99 monthly subscription will give you access to all previous and upcoming lessons. Here’s an excerpt from this lesson – Eliminate Any Allergens You Can In Your Life You do not have to get rid of your beloved pets, but the odds are good that you are not allergic to a pet you have lived with for years, but you can eliminate plants in your yard, or any foods you happen to be allergic to....

January 18, 2023 · 1 min · 108 words · Joseph Johnson

How To Use The Law Of Reciprocity For Effective Persuasion

It may seem like this happens rarely. And maybe that is why when it does, it really stands out. When someone does something to help us in some way, we feel grateful. And when we feel grateful, we also feel like we want to do something for the other person. What you are feeling in these situations is the law of reciprocity. This feeling that we get from wanting to help others or give them something can be a useful tool to help you achieve a goal....

January 18, 2023 · 9 min · 1717 words · Alice Smith

How To Use Those Noisy Creative Voices In Your Head To Succeed

For many individuals this method can work. But what if it doesn’t work for you? What if you find that you are always cluttered with creative voices in your head and ideas that have no intention of going away? You might feel frustrated with so much head-noise and so many ideas floating around that you feel like a failure at your inability to stay on a single track for success....

January 18, 2023 · 3 min · 634 words · Henry Helfritz

How To Win The War Against Peace Of Mind

But there will be so much “noise” coming at us today – a day where we seek quiet so that we can properly remember what this day represents. Our minds will have a difficult time finding peace because of the firehose of information that enters our home and office each and every day. It may seem harsh, but it is as if we are battling our own ongoing war against the things that threaten our peace of mind – a peace that we so desperately need in order to truly enjoy our lives....

January 18, 2023 · 4 min · 807 words · Donald Mckenny

How To Write A Good Smart Goal Statement For Success

What Is a SMART Goal Statement? SMART is a well-known acronym, which is mostly understood as Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound. However, there are also a number of simple secrets to this acronym that can really make a difference.[1] When we effectively write a good SMART goal statement, it gives our mind direction, and we see more possibility. We become more focused, and because of this, we often achieve what we want a lot faster....

January 18, 2023 · 8 min · 1517 words · Miriam Johnson

How To Write Smart Goals With Smart Goals Templates

But there are good ways to write goals and there are bad ways. If you want to ensure you’re doing the former, keep reading to find out how a SMART goals template can help you with it. What Are SMART Goals? SMART Goals refer to a way of writing down goals that follow a specific criteria. The earliest known use of the term was by George T. Doran in the November 1981 issue of Management Review, however, it is often associated with Peter Drucker’s management by objectives concept....

January 18, 2023 · 17 min · 3592 words · Marcus White

How You Can Be A Professional Musician And Still Keep Your Day Job

Here’s a list of ideas to help you can make that happen: Find a Career with Flexible Work Options: These days, it’s becoming more popular for employees to have the option of telecommuting or working from home. For touring musicians who need the income stability that a job can provide, this is a great option. Even though your current position might not offer telecommuting as an option, it is always possible to sway the opinion of your supervisors....

January 18, 2023 · 3 min · 618 words · Michael Wyatt

Hypercharge Your Device With The Lithiumcard

Carrying around a bulky phone charger is never the answer. It can easily get lost and lacks convenience. After all, if you wanted a use a digital device that needed to be plugged in, you’d be using a desktop. The LithiumCard is the perfect solution for individuals who have this problem. It can keep your digital device running when you need it, making you extremely reliable in the process. The size of the power bank is so thin it can fit in your wallet....

January 18, 2023 · 1 min · 142 words · David Hendrickson

If You Eat Enough Pizza You Will

Note: Most of these options can be made completely vegan. Simply sub out the milk for Almond or Soy milk, the cheese for vegan cheese or cashew cheese substitutes, or the sour cream or cream cheese for Toffuti. 33 Healthy Veggie Meals in 12 Minutes or Less

January 18, 2023 · 1 min · 47 words · Anthony Miller

If You Never Have Good Posture Give Me 5 Minutes And You Will

While having proper posture will help you command a room and feel more confident, it also has many health benefits. You’ll be less fatigued and build your core, which is a key component to a healthy life. Do you want to project a powerful, successful image? Here are five things that take less than five minutes each that will help. Start a stretching regimen. Stretching is a great way to become more flexible and have better posture....

January 18, 2023 · 3 min · 572 words · Charmaine Estrella

If You Want To Be Successful In Life You Shouldn T Say These 7 Phrases Easily

Take two individuals who haven’t made it in life. Person A chooses to use optimistic words, along the lines of “Yes! I can do this!” or “Pain is temporary, pride is forever!” Meanwhile, person B chooses to use pessimistic words, along the lines of “Will this work out for me?” or “No, this is impossible.” Who do you think will have a higher chance to succeed in life? Put yourself on the road to success today by simply changing your daily thoughts and speech....

January 18, 2023 · 3 min · 581 words · Mary Mcnutt

If Your Mind Was A Garden

MonkAtWork suggests preparing your soil, planting seeds close together and pulling the weeds as early as possible. How To Improve Your Mind’s Ecology – [MonkAtWork]

January 18, 2023 · 1 min · 25 words · Victoria Kiser

Invaluable Life Lessons From 16 Inspiring Movies

These inspiring movies have made me a better person, often helping me believe in myself and look for the bright side no matter what is happening in my life. 1. Yes Man: Take your life easy. We are so tired of our lives, of duties of never ending stress that without thinking, often the first answer to anything is NO. Take a life a bit easier, lighter and say YES to all opportunities which come along....

January 18, 2023 · 6 min · 1194 words · Kathrin Bolin

Is It Really Bad To Skip Breakfasts Some Scientists Say No

One research experiment regarding breakfast intake and weight maintenance was conducted by Monash University Gastroenterologist, Alex Hodge. Dr. Hodge looked at a group of 32 participants who had fatty liver disease. He directed them to fast between 8pm and midday. The research concluded that skipping breakfast could actually help to shed weight. The participants lost weight over the experiment’s 12-week period, reducing their waist circumference. There was also not a significant change in food intake throughout the day despite skipping out on the early morning meal....

January 18, 2023 · 3 min · 608 words · John Grace

Is Money Killing Us

Here we have two very different ends of the spectrum. On the one hand we have Robin Williams, estimated net worth of US$50,000,000, then on the other hand, a lady who lived in a three-bedroom house in the UK who couldn’t cope and took her own life after government changes in her benefits meant she lost £20 per week (US$33). These stories left me totally dumbfounded and provoked me to thinking about how money, no matter how much or how little you have, essentially can either make or fundamentally break people....

January 18, 2023 · 4 min · 700 words · Shawn Welch

Is Technology The Key To Success In The 21St Century

Sometimes companies don’t do well on the cutting edge. The Daily, a digital newspaper that sought to ride the wave of success caused by the iPad, is a classic example. This e-newspaper showed promise, but wound up being a colossal flop.[1] Today, reading a newspaper on a tablet requires no stretch of the imagination. The Washington Post, The New York Times, and other major papers offer e-subscriptions. If The Daily had the right idea, why did it fail?...

January 18, 2023 · 6 min · 1073 words · Anne Callahan