Small Projects Generate Good Feelings

If You Build It Your Happiness Will Increase If You don’t know what to build, then try building the game of Cornhole. I built an outdoor game so when friends and family came to visit we could be outside with something to do. It’s a lot like horse shoes, but it won’t eat up your lawn. The things you toss are cloth bags filled with corn. You toss them at a 6 inch hole cut out of a wooden board....

January 18, 2023 · 2 min · 403 words · Jada Saunders

Starting A Blog Here Are 5 Things You Should Know

1. Research The Market When you start a business, you research your niche and make sure that you have an original position to take. When you start a blog, you do the same thing. You need to have something new to say to those who are eventually going to follow you, which they can’t find anywhere else. If your selling point is your unique perspective, be prepared for it to take some time to demonstrate that as a value....

January 18, 2023 · 4 min · 792 words · Lori Green

Stay Cool With This Diy Ice Pack Guide

Bonus tip: If you like the idea of having a blue pack, similar to the ones you would buy in grocery stores, add dish soap to the ingredients. This can also be a good way to get creative. Another good option not covered above calls for using corn syrup. While this ingredient is a good alternative, especially if you want your ice pack to be more flexible, you run the risk of having a really sticky mess if an unfortunate spill occurs....

January 18, 2023 · 1 min · 94 words · Samuel Sanders

Stop Being Busy And Create More Time With These Productivity Hacks

Instead of having LESS time, let’s create MORE of it! Learn these essential Productivity Hacks in this episode of The Lifehack Show. Be the Master of Your Time by understanding The Superstructure Method, and all of the Four Steps to Creating More Time out of a Busy Schedule.

January 18, 2023 · 1 min · 48 words · Leonard Tanner

Stop Double Dipping When Dining With Others

Who Studied This? Undergraduates at Clemson University studied double dipping. How Were The Experiments Conducted? Bitten crackers and unbitten crackers were studied by students. They measured the amount of bacteria could potentially transfer from the crackers by dipping into a cup of water. They found “about 1,000 more bacteria per milliliter of water when crackers were bitten before dipping than solutions where unbitten crackers were dipped.” It seems like what Mom said was right: germs are everywhere....

January 18, 2023 · 3 min · 545 words · Christopher Asuncion

Stop Worry In Its Tracks With This Simple Trick

This is an example of a worry whirlpool that many of us experience. Worry is that quagmire of circular thinking we get stuck in when we are afraid, as it involves circular thoughts based on fear. We’ve all experienced it: if not about finance, then about relationships or performance. Whether you are preparing for a date or just completed one, fear can produce worry. You might get stuck focusing on questions that have no immediate answer, for example....

January 18, 2023 · 4 min · 668 words · Martha Barbre

Success Is Not Final Failure Is Not Fatal

In my world of work I am seen as a “productivity expert”. I use GTD, I try and test productivity apps and I teach people how to organize both their physical and electronic world. But I’m going to let you into a little secret: I’m not naturally inclined that way. Why Failure Can Take You One Step Closer to Success

January 18, 2023 · 1 min · 60 words · Cory Seeger

Sugary Drinks Can Harm Your Brain Study Finds

How Rats React To Sugary Drinks Sugar has been under the microscope hundreds of times before now, but it simply continues to receive flack for the lack of nourishment it provides. In fact, sugar often does damage above and beyond simply being void of beneficial micronutrients. Researchers Margaret Morris and Jayanthi Maniam studied female rats and their offspring for a case in which a group of rats was provided a drinkable solution containing a lot of sugar....

January 18, 2023 · 3 min · 535 words · Regina Santiago

Summer Projects Podcast

If you haven’t listened to a podcast before, it’s simple. The link will connect you to a page describing the episode. You can then click the MP3 link, and that will download the MP3 file for you to hear. Depending on how your computer is configured, this will either immediately open a media player, or it will prompt you to do something with the file. Podcasts are a great hack for learning more about things while on the go....

January 18, 2023 · 1 min · 143 words · Angela Bode

Survey Finds How Many People Regret Not Traveling Enough The Results Are Impressive

Why Is Traveling So Great? Research shows that travelling provides many of us with a serious mood boost. A survey of over 1,000 American adults carried out by Wakefield Research on behalf of Priceline showed that heading away somewhere new made them happier than working out or shopping. According to the research participants, trips do not have to be long to make an appreciable difference to our mood — many Americans stated that they would rather take several short vacations every year than a single, longer trip....

January 18, 2023 · 3 min · 580 words · Nina Brown

Take 5 Minutes To Read And Improve Your Writing Skills Forever

Before I start, I want to clarify a good writer pays attention to every level — word, sentence, paragraph, idea — of an article. And you NEED to take care of all levels as well. Now we’ll start with the easiest level – word first. Then we’ll go on with each level and at the end recommend a big list of really useful sites and books for your long term improvement....

January 18, 2023 · 5 min · 969 words · Margaret Shakin

Talented Busker Got Ignored By Every Passerby But His Little Fans Never Gave Up On Him

After being ignored by passersby and a failed attempt to draw in an audience, Jass Pangkor decided the evening wasn’t over and started to play for fun. What happened next was both sweetly loving and unexpected. As he was playing away to himself, four tiny three-month old kittens appeared in front of him listening attentively to his talented guitar skills. Seemingly entranced by his singing, the kittens sat listening until the very end....

January 18, 2023 · 1 min · 102 words · Kathleen Ford

Ten Myths Of Yoga Last Myth Will Change The Way You Think

In 2014, June 21st was declared as the International Day of Yoga after getting approval from all 193 United Nations members. Yoga gives importance to self-awareness. In today’s hectic scenario, people look out for external remedies. The teaching of yoga addresses the importance of inner strength. It not only improves the physical health and mental well-being of individuals, but it also prepares the same group in broadening their vision by building a sustainable and peaceful road map for the nation....

January 18, 2023 · 6 min · 1139 words · Richard Titus

The 20 Minute Morning Routine That Relieves Anxiety

I want to enjoy time with my friends and family… Brick wall. I want to go to work… Brick wall. I want to go on holiday… Brick wall. I want to enjoy my life… Brick wall. Constantly hitting this brick wall gets exhausting and makes things in life very difficult. When you suffer from anxiety, everything you used to do that you once enjoyed feels impossible. There’s a great big brick wall in the way, which makes everything feel out of reach and difficult to obtain....

January 18, 2023 · 5 min · 1013 words · Stephen Briones

The 3 Ultimate Parenting Lifehacks For Future Entrepreneurs

Many of the world’s leading figures and successful leaders are men and women who have struck out on their own, pushed themselves beyond conventional limitations and dedicated themselves to innovation and improvement as entrepreneurs. Chances are, you were an entrepreneurship-minded child at one point or another – we’ve all had a childhood lemonade stand or cupcake bake sale – and learning experiences like those are a foundation for building the confidence and mindset necessary to cut it as a future leader....

January 18, 2023 · 5 min · 854 words · Dorothy Gilmore

The 6 Aspects Of Life You Need To Start Maximizing

Perhaps your career has taken over your relationships or your health has stopped you enjoying your favourite hobbies? Either way, when we lose balance in life, that’s a sign that we need to look again at our priorities and find a holistic way of living. A way that considers our mental and physical health, our career, our finances, our relationships and our spiritual wellness. That’s what you’ll learn in this article....

January 18, 2023 · 13 min · 2574 words · Glenn Frost

The Best Note Taking Software For The Paper Note Taker

SEE ALSO: 5 Tips for Effective Digital Note Taking So, what do you do if you are a paper note taker in an increasingly digital note taking world? Here are some of the best ways to use note taking software if you are a paper note taking aficionado. OneNote for Windows OneNote is a great application for taking notes, storing files and links, pictures, graphs, or really anything if you use Windows or even iOS....

January 18, 2023 · 3 min · 626 words · Anna Reyes

The Best Paid And Fastest Growing It Jobs

Because new technologies always require new training, people in fields involving the newest technologies tend to be the best paid. Right now, that means mobile developers are in high demand and can expect to make a great living no matter how hard everyone else is hit by the current economy. Also booming are IT jobs involving cloud technologies. The Highest Paying and Fastest Growing IT Jobs | Addicted2Success

January 18, 2023 · 1 min · 68 words · Alexander Hayslett

The Biggest Waste Of Time In Your Life Uncovered

Time spent worrying, is time spent not living. Worrying by its very nature takes us out of the present moment and into the past, ruminating over what has already happened or into the future, projecting what might possibly come to pass. Worry keeps us trapped in our heads and keeps us from truly enjoying our life, as it’s unfolding. Some planning is necessary, taking action mandatory, but worrying…optional. Why are we wasting so much time worrying?...

January 18, 2023 · 3 min · 469 words · Shawn Arrington

The Experience Must Be Finished To Enjoy The Fruits Of The Effort

Establish an agenda. Set the time. It is just as important to set an end time as it is the start time. Otherwise the meeting turns into a session that loses its’ purpose. Identify the leader and the participants and all should know what they are expected to bring to the meeting. Communication efforts that are not well planned in advance will only hinder the communication that takes place during the meeting....

January 18, 2023 · 2 min · 275 words · Douglas Gamble