Why Should You Move To Nashville

It’s a common misconception that to get ahead in the world, you need to move to a big city with lots of movement and work, or even move to a specific and ‘recognized’ state like California, Illinois or Texas. Certainly, living in a big metropolis can have many pros. For example, having multiple museums, cultural events, festivals and overall vibrance can be a real draw but it this can also have cons....

January 23, 2023 · 3 min · 610 words · Jennifer Welch

Why Understanding Yourself Makes Dealing With Difficult People Easier

It can be frustrating to deal with difficult people. It can test our patience and our limits. When a person is purposely being difficult and pushing your buttons, it may seem almost impossible not to blow up and put them in their place. But today I wanted to share with you an invitation to let go. After reading Byron Katie’s book “Loving What Is” when I was getting my coaching training, it seriously transformed the way I look at conflicts and how I feel about them....

January 23, 2023 · 5 min · 858 words · Henry Teel

Why You Don T Have To Aim At Being Mentally Strong

For a length of unknown time — probably my whole life — people had been explaining to me that I had to be mentally strong and if anything, pretend that I was not whatever I was. What was I? A bit anxious and depressive, yet working through it. What was I portraying? Nothing is wrong, don’t ask, and I am a normal human being. However, thanks to a man by the stage name of El-P, my mental strength was able to grow without forcing myself to have to be mentally strong....

January 23, 2023 · 4 min · 712 words · Thomas Mohseni

Why Your Boss Is Programmed To Be A Dictator

Interesting idea. No matter if you agree or disagree on his theory, it is still a good weekend read. Why Your Boss is Programmed to be a Dictator – [ChangeThis]

January 23, 2023 · 1 min · 30 words · Rex Stone

Workouts Can Lighten Heavy Hearts

Exercise will not only make you physically healthier, it will improve your mental health as well. According to Thayer, moderate exercise–a brisk ten-minute walk, for example–results in a boosting of energy, although it may not be quite enough to relieve stress. “More intense exercise–the amount you’d engage in with a 45-minute aerobic workout–does give a primary mood effect of reducing tension. It might also leave you with a little less energy because you’d be tired, of course,” he said....

January 23, 2023 · 1 min · 110 words · John Hartwell

Workplace Bullying From The Playground To The Office

Knowing this is probably not comforting to you. After all, you’re the one who feels like throwing up on Sunday nights, or who uses your paid time off for “mental health” days to escape from misery at work. On these mental health days, you can hardly drum up enough enthusiasm to get out of bed, much less have fun with family or friends. Perhaps you spend a lot of time fantasizing about killing the bully or killing yourself, or your doctor has become concerned about your skyrocketing health problems....

January 23, 2023 · 4 min · 775 words · Grady Lacy

Write A Killer Cover Letter In 7 Easy Steps

So you want to write that killer cover letter to land your dream job? Not so fast. You’ve got to give your cover letter the respect it deserves. For years, the Hiring Manager at XYZ Corporation has been reading all kinds of these letters, giving a few the green light… but she’s been rejecting all the rest. In order to grab her attention in all the right ways, follow these seven easy steps....

January 23, 2023 · 10 min · 2053 words · Randall Norfleet

You Re Paid To Work Not To Endure Verbal Abuse Don T Be Intimidated

A 2014 survey from the Workplace Bullying Institute [1]found that 27 percent of all American workers are being bullied at work or have been in the past, and 21 percent have witnessed episodes of verbal abuse against co-workers. In all, more than 65 million Americans have been affected by bullying at work. What Defines Verbal Abuse at Work? Verbal abuse is one part of workplace bullying, which can also include sabotaging a person’s work to prevent them from doing what they are supposed to be doing at work....

January 23, 2023 · 5 min · 916 words · Raymond Prieto

Your Body The Drug Dealer

The Scene: You’re driving in your Volkswagen on a cool autumn day. You gaze out the window to admire the colorful foliage when out of nowhere a toddler on a big wheel rolls directly in front of your car. You slam on the breaks, just barely avoiding disaster. You can feel your heart in your chest. It appears everything has slowed down. Your vision seems to have narrowed. Your once clogged sinuses are now clear....

January 23, 2023 · 3 min · 495 words · Marcus Esposito

Your Real Money In The Virtual Wallets

Moving on, do you use apps to manage your finances? If you belong to the older generations, chances are you don’t. Or, if you are between the ages of 45 and 54, most probably you’re part of the few who constitute only 11.3%. On the contrary, if your age ranges from 25 to 34, then in all probability, you’re using several money management apps. In truth, you’re part of the 25....

January 23, 2023 · 1 min · 75 words · Leoma Browne

Effective Meetings Outline

I like the parking lot idea a lot. It is similar to the idea I have talked about on presentation. Parking lot section is for discussing issues/topics that are not on the agenda. All of those non-agenda topics are noted and discuss at the last 5 minutes of the meeting. The purpose of it is to avoid interruption and long non-agenda topics which usually take over the time of the meeting....

January 22, 2023 · 1 min · 77 words · Joseph Wright

Email Insanity No More Sanebox Delivers

Be sure to tune in to Steve’s weekly tech podcast at www.dottotech.com

January 22, 2023 · 1 min · 12 words · Norene Stormo

Emotionally Stuck 8 Steps To Get Unstuck

Some are very helpful and give our lives structure while others will drive us to a point where we feel stuck. Emotionally stuck. It can be sparked from all kinds of things, and it’s challenging to overcome. However, it is possible to overcome it. To get started, try considering the following. Why Do I Feel Emotionally Stuck? Before becoming emotionally unstuck, you need to know why you are in this position in the first place....

January 22, 2023 · 7 min · 1389 words · Robert Johnson

Envy Used To Be A Good Thing Why We Don T Need It Any More

An experiment about envy was conducted by researchers from Oxford and Warwick Universities.[1] In the study, researchers created an online game that gave people the chance to win money. People who won were presented with the option to spend some of their winnings to burn the winnings of others. This at first sounds like a strange option. Yet during the experiment, 2/3 of the players chose to burn others winnings....

January 22, 2023 · 5 min · 858 words · David Lowry

Evidence That People Are Wonderful

Today – November 13 – is World Kindness Day, a day dedicated to highlighting the good in the global community. From Japan to Australia, Nigeria to the United Arab Emirates, people across the earth mark the day with events such as The Big Hug, The Kindness Concert and the Global Flashmob. Here at Goodnet, we’ve pulled together five heart-warming acts of kindness – to prove that people really are awesome, and maybe even inspire another act or two....

January 22, 2023 · 2 min · 391 words · Brett Greene

Experiencing These 10 Little Struggles Like Every Over Thinker Does Here S What To Do

1. Imagining worst-case scenarios. Yeah, this one’s obvious, but it needs to be stated nonetheless. Yesterday I had to drive for six hours, and kept worrying about missing my exits, overheating my engine, running out of gas, etc. Turned out everything went swimmingly, my car ran well, my GPS got me to where I needed to go, and I got some awesome mileage out of my hybrid (impressive seeing as it’s a model from 2003)....

January 22, 2023 · 8 min · 1695 words · Carolyn Thomas

Fall Asleep In Minutes After A Tense Work Day With This Bedtime Yoga Sequence

Credits to Yoga by Candace

January 22, 2023 · 1 min · 5 words · Ariana Elrod

Feeling Like Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde 10 Ways To Be A Better Parent

1. Maintain perspective Is this a life or death situation? Is anyone going to lose a job, limb, marriage or bank account if the problem is not immediately resolved? Sometimes the answer is yes, and decisive – perhaps even aggressive – action is required. Usually, however, the stakes are much lower. 2. Act, don’t react Children are incredibly talented at pushing buttons. Don’t let them goad you into a knee-jerk response....

January 22, 2023 · 4 min · 834 words · Jaime Price

Fitness Is A Journey Bring A Map

From the several hours I spend a day at my gym I get to observe all types of gym goers. One thing most of them have in common is that they all appear to be lost. The gym, much like a dense forest, can be a very scary place and if you don’t have a plan you can end up forgetting where you are or where you are going. Here are a few things you must do if you want to guarantee success at the gym....

January 22, 2023 · 3 min · 605 words · Christopher Shary

Five Newbie Weight Lifting Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Sadly, many people start a workout session incorrectly and as a result, short-circuit the results that they could have achieved. Take the time to learn the most common weight lifting mistakes new lifters make and be sure to avoid them, as it will work well to your benefit. Let’s have a quick look at what you need to know so that you can put your best foot forward. 1. Using An Advanced Workout Routine The very first error that’s commonly made is using a more advanced workout routine than necessary or possible....

January 22, 2023 · 3 min · 585 words · Doris Meyers