Gift Ideas For Men 5 Rules To Make A Good Gift For Men

Sometimes it seems like men and women are speaking different languages in terms of what they want. Most loved ones–husbands, boyfriends, fathers, and brothers– will appreciate your effort no matter what, but most of us really want to surprise and impress the recipients of our efforts. We spend time listening for clues about what he might want. We guess and second guess until frustration and time get the better of us....

January 21, 2023 · 7 min · 1465 words · Blake Dye

Go From Mediocre To Excellent At Work With These Attitude Adjustments

1. Show up consistently and on time. This seems basic, yet an online survey conducted by CareerBuilder showed 32% of workers have called in sick when they were not actually ill. Another 16% were late for work at least one time per week and 27% arrived late for work at least once a month. Make sure you are willing to commit your time when you apply for a job. Showing up consistently and on time gets noticed, thanks to the stark contrast from mediocre colleagues who don’t....

January 21, 2023 · 5 min · 885 words · June Wilcoxen

Goal Setting Tips That Will Help You Keep Your Resolutions

1. Set an Attainable Short-Term Goal Start with a one-day goal: a goal you can achieve in one day, by the end of the day. If you find yourself with doubts about the attainability of your goals, uncertainty about how to achieve them, or are facing any sort of goal setting crisis, focus on something that you can be successful in achieving in the near future. Start with a simple question, like, “What is the most important thing I can do today?...

January 21, 2023 · 4 min · 723 words · Robert Dudziak

Going Back To School 8 Tips To Find Balance And Stay Sane

1. Lay the groundwork. Many employers like to see their employees going back to school. It makes their workforce more educated and the employees themselves more valuable. Talk to your spouse and your kids and explain that you’ll be doing homework right alongside them. Then talk to your boss and discuss your degree ambitions and objectives. Be sure to have a rough plan for how long it will take and what scheduling accommodations you can reasonably foresee....

January 21, 2023 · 6 min · 1151 words · Amy Butler

Good Reasons To Learn A Musical Instrument Today

If you’re looking for a way to improve your life other, you should consider learning a musical instrument. This article will directly pinpoint some benefits of learning to play an instrument: 1. Improve Learning The intellectual exercise involved in music is expansive and broad for most instrument motor skills, and finger placement is a must if you learn to play an instrument effectively. The notes on music sheets require you to count the beat and calculate when you should play, for how long, and at what speed....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 564 words · John Krogstad

Great Things That You Can Gain From Traveling

January 21, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Maria Horne

Greatest Tool 9 Big Ole Rock

Look down this list and tell me you haven’t used a big ole rock for at least a few of these tasks. So Caveman, do you have a favorite “rock” tool? Reg Adkins writes on behavior and the human experience at (

January 21, 2023 · 1 min · 42 words · Ashley Hurt

Happiness Is Not Something Ready Made It Comes From Your Own Actions Dalai Lama

January 21, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Lisa Brown

Hate Morning Workouts Try These 6 Tips To Motivate Yourself

Now, you might find that to be a bit surprising. Indeed, you might be asking yourself, “How the heck has this guy managed to wake up and run for three years if he hates doing it?” This is a good question, as it’s definitely a conundrum. The truth is, while I really dislike waking up early, I love the feeling I get after a run (runner’s high?). This rush, along with the physical benefits, keeps me going....

January 21, 2023 · 5 min · 1054 words · Lori Butterfield

Have An App Idea Here S Where To Start Part 1

Some people do a quick Google search, see something relatively similar, and give up. Others research the process that creating an app entails, realize it’s not as easy as it sounds, and — again — give up. So, since you’re already this far, congratulations on being farther along in the process than most. We’re here to help get you off the ground. Step 1: Get the Lay of the Land The first thing that should be on your radar is, if you haven’t already, to hit the ground Googlin’....

January 21, 2023 · 5 min · 991 words · Robert Johnson

Healthy Foods You Didn T Know You Could Make With Your Slow Cooker

There are really no excuses to not eat well these days. Everything is at our fingertips. Fresh produce, cookbooks, recipes – and amazing cooking tools to make things ridiculously easy for us. When we make our own foods we know what we are putting into our bodies. We can use wholesome ingredients and understand what it is we are consuming and how much. We are in control of our health....

January 21, 2023 · 4 min · 667 words · Bobbye Ryan

Here Are The 7 Things You Are Not Doing That Make You Feel Miserable And Unfulfilled

1. You Are Not Discovering Your Purpose The happiest and most fulfilled people are those who wake up knowing what they will do each day. They don’t feel stuck in the wrong job and don’t think about what ifs because they already found what they love to do. They know the one thing that they’re good at, that excites them, and that gives them purpose each day, regardless of the pay check....

January 21, 2023 · 6 min · 1255 words · Dwight Padgett

Here Is An Easy Way To Make Delicious Iced Coffee For The Summer

What You Will Need 1 French Press 1 Coffee Grinder 6 Tablespoons Of Whole Bean Coffee Ice Milk or Half And Half If you don’t own a grinder or french press, you can easily get both for a combined cost of under $35. The secret to this iced coffee recipe is that it is cold-brewed, meaning it’s not just hot coffee that you plop a few ice cubes into. I personally don’t suggest that method because it only serves to water down your brew, plus, the end result tastes nothing like the kind of iced coffee you would get at an establishment like Starbucks....

January 21, 2023 · 4 min · 661 words · Robert Young

Here S Some Expert Marketing Wisdom From Don Draper That You Need To Know

Don Draper’s Moments Of Marketing Wisdom | Glow Internet Featured photo credit: Don Draper’s Moments Of Marketing Wisdom | Glow Internet via

January 21, 2023 · 1 min · 23 words · Mary Pinto

Here S Why Cardio Exercises Are So Good For Your Health

It’s easy to go from one workout to the next, never really stopping to think about why you bother taking the time to sweat, tone, and sweat some more. It turns out there are a lot more health benefits associated with consistent cardio workouts than you may have initially thought. This article describes what will start to happen once you have done cardio regularly for 150 minutes of moderate exercise every week for an extended period of time....

January 21, 2023 · 4 min · 666 words · Wayne Armstrong

How A Proactive Management Style Can Influence A Workplace

Whether in business, management, or leadership, problems often arise as they are part of life. While it’s easier to focus or blame everything on problems, this is also not a sustainable solution, especially if you’re leading a team. Part of a proactive management style is finding solutions. Therefore, how can we apply proactive management in workplace leadership? Even though there are several different management styles, this article’s primary focus is on proactive management and how it influences the workplace....

January 21, 2023 · 8 min · 1581 words · Tawanna Mutch

How Different It Becomes When You Re Following Your Heart But Not Faking Yourself

It may be difficult, time-consuming, or downright scary to really follow your heart and go for what you want, but you should do it anyway. Because once you start to pursue what you’re really passionate about, you’ll feel like a completely new person. What changes did you experience when you stopped just faking it and started to follow your heart?

January 21, 2023 · 1 min · 60 words · Luanne Clarke

How Do I Stop Procrastinating When I M Surrounded By Procrastinators

Because of her procrastination, she would have to get to one of those tax preparation services before work and pick up her completed return after the work day is over. The plan was to meet her at the federal tax office where she will be dropping off her completed return. When I got to the building, the staff already set up huge bin containers in the lobby for people coming in to drop off their returns on deadline day....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 614 words · Michelle Morales

How Many Hours Of Sleep Do I Need What The Science Says

The subject of sleep and how much of it one needs has been controversial over the last ten years, especially in this digital-obsessed era we’re living in. You might be surprised by what science is now saying about how many hours of sleep you need. However, I’d like to mention, it’s easy not to get enough sleep, especially if our sleep patterns are wacky or out of sorts. Without a healthy sleep routine, it’s nearly impossible to get those needed hours....

January 21, 2023 · 9 min · 1767 words · Diane Frisby

How Memory Works And How You Can Make It Work For You

Memory can appear simple, like a videotape in your head that either turns on or doesn’t. You either remember or you don’t, right? Not so much. In reality, memory is a wildly complex process that experts are still figuring out. But diving into how memory works and what current research is discovering can help you better understand how to make memory work for you. So, how does memory work?...

January 21, 2023 · 7 min · 1476 words · Sabina Thompson