The Next Level Of Building Your Content Reach

The Problem Like YouTube, there are various feeds and sources that a user can use to find and buy what they are looking for. This new dimension has bugged the marketers for a long time and is continuing to do so as marketers and content experts from around the world try to understand the change in user behavior. Interestingly, written content is not the only thing that has suffered. Despite increased popularity, the visual media viz....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 552 words · Jill Parks

The One Sentence That Makes You Become A Really Boring Person

Have you ever been dumped because the person you were trying to do so much for and be nice to all the time, thought of you to be boring? It must have hurt and ached to have been quit on by the one you loved, all because you were trying your very best to be the nicest thing since sliced bread. Well guess what, being ‘nice’ all the time is overrated and makes you a boring person....

January 21, 2023 · 4 min · 650 words · Gerald Scandurra

The Power Of Deep Thinking Essence Of Creativity

What was your answer to the question above? Did you quickly fire off an answer or did you have to think about it and then think about it some more? Imagine for a moment that you could put on a set of inverted goggles and see the world through an entirely different lens. On one hand, you would literally see differently, but you might not view the world differently. If we look deep enough and allow ourselves to observe from a new lens, we will....

January 21, 2023 · 9 min · 1778 words · Steven Maya

The Power Of Memory Palace How A Superb Memory Is Built

Now remain in this state of mind as we learn a crazy and amazing technique that works immediately. Memory Palace — The Power of Remembering Without Memorizing So, what is this crazy thing called Method of Loci, otherwise known as a Memory Palace? It is a method of memory enhancement using visualization and spatial memory. It anchors familiar information so you can quickly recall data. It is credited to the ancient people of Rome and Greece and is used by memory champions across the world....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 561 words · Sarah Stewart

The Price Of Success You Probably Aren T Aware Of Hint Relationships

This is not about paying our way to success through means of efforts, plans, etc. It’s about the other side of success — the dark side experienced by most high achievers. When we achieve something in life, we will build the belief that we are more successful than others. As we collect more and more successes, our strong self-confidence will seep into our egos and a dangerous problem will crop up — we’ll have an All-or-Nothing thinking....

January 21, 2023 · 5 min · 926 words · Brent Duncan

The Simply Effective Guide To Reaching Anyone Online

It’s not always easy, but it’s never impossible, if you commit to being a certain type of person, and taking appropriate measures to reach your goal. I’m not recommending that you become a fake, used-cars-salesman type figure. I’m saying that in order to let the extraordinary person that you be noticed, you may need to make a few adjustments to your approach. Here is a list of everything you need in order to be successful in reaching people online....

January 21, 2023 · 1 min · 163 words · Sonny Coffey

The Types Of Jobs That Won T Be Taken Over By Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence, or AI, in the forms of software systems and computer-driven robotics is already taking on many American jobs, and will ultimately come after many more. In fact, the accounting and consulting firm PwC estimates that the machines will replace some 38 percent of U.S. jobs by 2030. Another scary fact is, two years ago Google DeepMind developed an algorithm that allows machines to “learn” just as quickly as humans....

January 21, 2023 · 5 min · 1019 words · Karen Clayton

These 10 Things Will Happen When You Start Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone

1. You’ll learn how routine can rob you of spontaneity We all have a routine of some sort, whether it’s adapting your life to the demands and confines of a 9-5 lifestyle or molding your life around the daily demands of your family. The question we have to ask ourselves is are we slaves to our routines? Some level of routine is necessary in life and can keep us safe from the swirl of chaos....

January 21, 2023 · 5 min · 922 words · Kelly Licudine

These 7 Things Will Happen When You Start Practicing Kung Fu

However, the problem is with overly commercialized schools that are oriented more towards business than martial arts, where people are taught sloppy technique and promoted to high ranks with virtually no practical sparring and technique application skills. Generally speaking the smaller the class, the better off you will be – ideally, you’d find a master who has a day job and offers classes as a way to supplement his or her income, as this type of master believes in what he or she teaches and expects a high level of competence....

January 21, 2023 · 7 min · 1364 words · Michael Pagan

Things That Happen When You Become A Vegetarian

1. You’ll shed pounds This is the first change and the most obvious. The third day of vegetarianism for me showed significant weight loss, visible in every area of my body. Although this is from personal experience, a recent publication in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics confirms that abstaining from meat could lead to natural weight loss. According to the research, the noted weight loss average is 7....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 624 words · Natalie Peterson

Things That Only Long Distance Sisters Can Relate To

The holidays are just not the same When you were little, sharing the excitement of Christmas morning with your sis was something that made it extra special. Whether you had a tradition of helping make breakfast together or wearing matching pajamas, looking back you have many cherished memories from that time. Now when the holidays come around you are not always able to celebrate together and you get an extra wave of nostalgia when you Facetime her during this time....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 546 words · Brian King

Things You Need To Know About Mac Os X Yosemite Os 10 10

1. Added Mail Functions The new and improved mail client in OS X Yosemite includes an intelligent way to add text and shapes to images or PDFs. This eliminates the need for an extra program to mark up or annotate these types of files. Not only that, you can also sign PDF forms right in Mail. You can quickly use your trackpad to draw your signature with your finger, or even capture it using the camera on your Mac....

January 21, 2023 · 5 min · 887 words · Theodore Smith

Think Learning For A Better Budget

I’m hearing the B word a lot these days: BUDGET. In my coaching I find that this is the time when all my clients are focusing on goals and objectives for the coming year. The thing is that they are focusing on it only because they have to, not because they want to: It’s time to get those forecasts and pro-formas in! While goal-setting with that financial catalyst is better than nothing, and it can be a good thing in terms of better realism with dated business models, the wiser, forward-thinking companies are those who use this time for financial goals connected to career development, service enhancements, and the customer-responsiveness of product....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 598 words · Micheal Jaudon

Thinking That Facebook Is Wasting Your Time You Can Change That

1. Minimize. Often, the reason why we waste so much time on Facebook is simply because we follow too many people and subscribe to too many Pages! With an average of 250 Facebook friends per U.S. female and an average of 1,500 posts eligible to appear in a user’s feed every day (data from Digital Media Ramblings), it isn’t hard to see why so many of us get sucked into the black hole of social media procrastination....

January 21, 2023 · 5 min · 924 words · Kimberly Blaize

This App Is The Best Way To Prepare For The Ebola Outbreak

Running the same jogging route can be very boring. In order to stay motivated, you need something new, fresh and exciting. Zombies are always fun, but they don’t exist (yet). The closest thing you can get to fleeing from deadly outbreaks and zombies is the apocalypse survival training app. The app is still in it’s early stages therefore, the interface is limited. However, based on the description from the company’s Kickstater campaign, it looks very promising....

January 21, 2023 · 1 min · 158 words · Lawrence Hardy

This Handy Water Filter Is Even Better Than The Life Straw

At the moment, there are a few products out there that filter water instantly. The Life Straw and the purifying book are two of the main tools that people use to get the job done. Now there’s an even better one called DrinkPure. The handy device is an attachment that fits on most water bottles. Filtering the water is a simple 3-step process. The first step is gathering the water from an unclean source (rivers, lakes and etc)....

January 21, 2023 · 1 min · 119 words · Alyssa Brooks

This Is A Pretty Long List But You Will Find Useful Websites

The 101 Most Useful Websites | Digital Inspiration

January 21, 2023 · 1 min · 8 words · Andrea Shields

This Is Why Some People Always Seem To Know A Lot

1. They read It is not about reading junks or materials with little or no facts. To know a lot means you have to be willing to commit yourself to learning from the masters. And what better way to garner such knowledge than through books, journals or other printed materials that contain information that needs to be read. 2. They are friends with other people who know a lot It is hard to be knowledgeable and be amongst people who do not share your penchant for knowledge....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 573 words · Marcia Flom

This Is Why You Shouldn T Make Your Bed Anymore

I have some good and bad news to share with you today. All my life I’ve been in the anti-bed-making group, and now I’ve found a scientific reason why making your bed is bad. Yay! That’s great, right? The article proves that it’s okay, even good, to not make your bed! Well, here’s where the bad news comes in. You see, the reason to not make your bed is repulsive....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 620 words · Joseph Southard

This Is Why Your Failures Make You The Best Resume

January 21, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Kevin Blankenship