Here S What To Do After A Commercial Trucking Accident

Having a police report and contacting your car’s insurance company may not be enough if you’re involved in a commercial trucking accident. Although they’re some of the requirements, you’ll definitely need to go further as things will certainly get more complicated. What exactly should you do? I’m going to share that with you in a few minutes, but first how about we spend a little time talking about safety? You need to remember that your safety should always be your first priority no matter what....

January 20, 2023 · 3 min · 531 words · Nicole Strong

Here S Why You Should Try A Gluten Free Diet

There are anti-gluten arguments that opine it can be detrimental to your health if you eat too much gluten. For that reason, gluten-free foods have been springing up all over the place in order to promote a healthier alternative. Anyone, whether they are suffering a gluten-induced disorder, can benefit from a gluten-free diet. There are others who oppose this logic because they feel ridding your diet of gluten is not a healthy step to take....

January 20, 2023 · 4 min · 795 words · Helga Medeiros

Hilarious Real Stories That Show Us The Brilliance Of Kids

Adult Prejudice Is Exposed By Our Kids Often kids point things out to us that we have conveniently overlooked or would rather not see. They can do this at moments when we least expect it and surprise us with their honest insights. A prejudice one English teacher may have held was pointed out to him, in a very amusing way, one day after he had finished his English lecture. After the teacher’s class has left, a tenth grader stayed behind to confront him: “I don’t appreciate being singled out,” he told his teacher....

January 20, 2023 · 5 min · 925 words · Frances Shaw

Homeless Man Is Given Money While He Sleeps What He Does Next Is Super Touching

However, this social experiment proves that some people will go out of their way to help others even when they have very little themselves. YouTube creator Johal set up a scenario in which a homeless man was given some money whilst he slept on a bench. When he woke, he immediately went to buy some much-needed groceries. However, when he overheard a man next to him talking on the phone about his inability to buy medicine for his daughter, he told his new acquaintance to wait....

January 20, 2023 · 1 min · 156 words · Ramon Trinidad

House Hunting For Good Feng Shui

Following are some suggestions for insuring that your house has good feng shui. Look for a house with a square or rectangular floor plan. Houses with irregular plans may be dramatic and interesting to visit, but ultimately have serious energy challenges and may not be optimal places to live. Those with square or rectangular plans are easier to arrange, have better energy and fewer major energy problems. Look for a house that is set squarely on its lot so the front of the house is parallel to the road....

January 20, 2023 · 3 min · 570 words · Stephanie Campbell

How A Mind In Neutral Can Set You Back Years

I had just driven my youngest daughter to her football camp and as I pulled out onto the road, I spotted these two guys cutting back the vegetation that had grown too dense alongside the cycle path. They were obviously working for the municipality, I recognized their bright orange overalls with the name of our county displayed in large black letters on their backs. What brought a grin to my face, moments after having passed them, was the way in which they were working....

January 20, 2023 · 4 min · 662 words · Sharon Walsh

How Congress Is Like My Company Stop Me If You Ve Heard This One Before

Anything I missed?

January 20, 2023 · 1 min · 3 words · Marquita Farkas

How Google Calendar Can Make Your Life A Lot Easier

Newbie? After signing into your Google account, head over to Once you get started with Google Calendar, here are some super neat features that you need to know to get the most out of this valuable tool. 1. SMS support Google Calendar allows you to get your event updates straight to your mobile phone. This is great for on the go, however can get annoying if you have internet connection. Access via Settings > Mobile Setup...

January 20, 2023 · 5 min · 915 words · Chelsea Williams

How Long Does It Take To Build Muscle And Increase Fat Loss

The teenager stared at me, waiting eagerly for a response. It’s a normal day as a certified fitness coach and yet again, I had to grab some flying feet and put them down on the ground of reality again. “If I would be able to reach this body in 3 months, you think it would’ve taken me 5 years?” I responded smilingly. In the same moment I tapped the teenager on the shoulder and we both went to the training floor together....

January 20, 2023 · 8 min · 1618 words · Randy Spivey

How Making Gift Giving A Habit Improves Your Mental Health

This is good news for people who want to build a habit of gift giving. It won’t be so hard to do after all, when your natural impulse is to be generous. If you have ever gone through a season where you are constantly taking and never giving, you will know that it wears on you after a while. Constantly taking and never giving back can actually prevent happiness, the one thing that people around the world are looking for....

January 20, 2023 · 5 min · 1010 words · Sharon Juarez

How Money Affects Career Happiness

There are a lot of factors that play into accepting the right job. Of course there’s company, location, timing, title and salary. Accepting a complex role with a great title in a place you love sounds like the perfect setup, but what if that job pays significantly less than the others in your field? Will a lower income affect your overall job satisfaction or make day-to-day expenses difficult to cover?...

January 20, 2023 · 5 min · 986 words · Angelena Webb

How Much Would It Cost To Build A Death Star

The success spread across all ages, from fans or the original films to children who were first experiencing the galaxy far, far away. All of this has bumped up the anticipation of this year’s galactic release, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Existing within the Star Wars universe but very much a separate film in its own right, Rogue One takes place between Episodes III and IV and follows a group of rebels who attempt to steal plans for the Empire’s most dangerous of weapons, the Death Star....

January 20, 2023 · 2 min · 266 words · Susan Preslipsky

How Not To Struggle With Negative Experiences

Still, there are a couple things you might not notice about your situation. Next time you’re down, maybe the following will provide motivation: Not everything is bad. It’s a well accepted fact that bad news makes for sensational television ratings. The fact that something is negative catches a lot more attention than something positive in the same vein, and that’s because it’s easy to see things in a negative light....

January 20, 2023 · 5 min · 988 words · Shelley Goodman

How Playing Music Makes Your Life Much Better In All Aspects

1. It increases memory In a study of 3 and 4 year old children, those who were given keyboard lessons performed 34% better on memory assessments than children who were not given musical lessons. The effects of this experiment also proved to last longer than a superficial amount of time. I’m sure you’ve experienced this in some way as well. I haven’t played piano seriously in years, but whenever I sit down at one, my ability to recall the songs I used to know by heart comes right back to me....

January 20, 2023 · 7 min · 1291 words · Mi Mcneill

How Reframing Your Failures Will Actually Bring Success

If the first one is your current mindset, then a change in perception could bring major, positive transformations to your life. Below are a few ways you can reframe your failures to bring success. If you implement these ideas into your life, you’ll not only have an easier time dealing with failure, but you’ll also be able to grow as person every time you do fail. 1) Failure Makes You a Stronger Person “A smooth sea never made for a skillful sailor” This couldn’t be more true....

January 20, 2023 · 4 min · 813 words · Mary Perry

How Relaxing Music For Kids Can Help Adhd Music Recommendations

But what does any of this have to do with ADHD? Just as music can drive us to work harder in the gym or help us unwind, choosing the right relaxing music for kids can prove to be a powerful tool for helping them to feel calm, focused and relaxed, even in situations where their ADHD is usually at its most prevalent. Why medication isn’t always the solution For our kids, living with ADHD can turn what would otherwise be simple, short tasks into spiralling, marathon ordeals in which they’re constantly drawn this way and that by a constant deluge of distractions and stimuli....

January 20, 2023 · 7 min · 1370 words · Leslie Martinez

How Saving Money Is Still Possible Even If You Re On A Tight Budget

It’s scary, right? Trying to make ends meet while not turning into a recluse and always having to make up excuses while you can’t go out. You can start to feel like a bad friend and a lame person. But that’s just not the truth. We’ve all struggled with money, despite our age or profession. It takes time, effort and a whole lot of patience and self-forgiveness before you can figure out the right way to save....

January 20, 2023 · 5 min · 995 words · Stephanie Helmus

How To Answer Strengths And Weaknesses Interview Questions Well

Or, should you give an answer that is vague and where your weaknesses are actually strengths in disguise, such as: While the first response is incredibly honest and the employer knows exactly what they are getting – you probably won’t get hired. The second response is obvious bull crap and while you may get hired, you’ve essentially set yourself up to fail. You’ve also shown the hiring personnel that you lack the ability to personally reflect and self-analyze....

January 20, 2023 · 5 min · 1028 words · Letty Reiners

How To Be Creative When You Ve Hit A Creative Block

The truth is, creativity is much more complicated than most of us think. And if you’re wondering how to be creative, you need to understand what blocks you from being more creative first. Can You Think out of the Box? Creativity is generally defined as the ability to “think outside the box”. Researcher Bob McKim came up with a simple way to determine someone’s creativity:[1] First, he had them draw 30 circles on a piece of paper....

January 20, 2023 · 11 min · 2241 words · Theresa Matthews

How To Be More Knowledgeable

We can all struggle to find the motivation to carry on learning no matter what the subject is but there are several different ways that can help us along the way. So how exactly can we learn effectively and become more knowledgeable as a result? Motivation, the Sweet Spot and the Information Gap To learn something effectively, we need to be present in the sweet spot. This is the magical space where we are neither sitting in our comfort zone nor forcing ourselves so much that we become demotivated....

January 20, 2023 · 6 min · 1078 words · Miguel Sato