What Is Forgiveness

Let’s try an experiment. Think of two people in your life: Someone who made you angry but you’ve since forgiven and still like and someone who has hurt you that you don’t like and haven’t forgiven. After identifying these two people, think of them at the same time. As you see them in your mind’s eye, notice how you represent them differently. The Reasons Why You Feel It’s Difficult To Forgive

January 20, 2023 · 1 min · 71 words · Lidia Conzemius

What Is Intentional Living And How To Live Intentionally

We’re given an image of what it means to create a successful life, but we weren’t told that the image is consumerism-driven. The nice house, fancy car, and material possessions cost money, and more than likely, you’ll borrow money to acquire them. The borrowing will lead to interest that keeps you in debt and diminishes your opportunities to have more experiences. Social media compounds the problem as there are images of success all around us....

January 20, 2023 · 8 min · 1559 words · Jeff Prince

What Is Opportunity Cost And How To Calculate It

There is a simple and practical method that solves this problem. It’s about finding out the opportunity cost. When you understand opportunity cost, you have the power to measure every alternative with precision and make the right decisions. What is Opportunity Cost? In the field of economics, opportunity cost is the value that you have to forgo when you choose an option over another good option. It is a concept you can apply in many situations, from deciding which projects you should pursue to spending time with loved ones instead of working overtime....

January 20, 2023 · 7 min · 1418 words · William Oconnor

What Is Your Favorite Productivity Tool

Kirstin O’Donovan: Rescue Time. This amazing tool tracks your activity on the computer and sends you a summary of how you have spent your time with the hours you did the past week. This is an excellent tool to identify your time thieves and improve your productivity because you are able to see where you are spending too much time and where you need to cut down. It also gives you a percentage of how productive you are....

January 20, 2023 · 7 min · 1280 words · Nelson Marshall

What Not To Do To Get More Done

Not doing gives you more time to do One of the most powerful tools I have found in my quest for greater productivity and effectiveness is to look for what I can stop or avoid doing, since this frees up time and energy which can be used for really important stuff. So, without further ado, if you want to get more done, try not doing the following:

January 20, 2023 · 1 min · 67 words · Louise Peck

What S The 1 Thing Stopping You From Becoming Rich Right Now

Well it isn’t knowledge. Thanks to the internet and libraries, there is a ton of knowledge available on how to build your wealth. Whether you’re interested in business, real estate, or the stock market, there is a ton of advice from experienced experts to guide you along the way. The Biggest Reason Most People Never Become Rich No matter which route you take to build your wealth, there is one important factor that will determine your success or failure… Your financial control This is basically your ability to spend less than you earn, while using the difference to grow your wealth....

January 20, 2023 · 4 min · 640 words · Marie Thompson

What S Wrong With Your New Year S Resolution

Instead of setting a vague, boring resolution about going to the gym more often, why not set a specific goal? Aim to do something that is either gonna happen or not happen, with no half-hearted middle ground. Here’s everything you need to know about setting a clear, achievable New Year’s resolution, and going through with it all the way. Be Specific Here’s a bad New Year’s resolution: I’m going to be better about my health....

January 20, 2023 · 4 min · 703 words · Willie Johnson

What S Your Intelligence Type

Before this time, it was generally believed that intelligence was a single entity that was inherited. Today, most researchers believe the opposite; that there exists a multitude of intelligences that are quite independent of each other. It is also now believed that each of these intelligence types comes with its own strengths and constraints. Dr. Howard Gardner built a model of eight different intelligence types, including linguistic and verbal intelligence, logical intelligence, spatial intelligence, body/movement intelligence, musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, and naturalist intelligence....

January 20, 2023 · 3 min · 579 words · Barbara Herder

What You Need To Let Go Of In Your 30S

Let go of binging anything Drinking. Eating. Netflix-ing. Gambling. Napping. The list goes on. In your 20s, moderation takes a backseat to excess. You only live once, right? (I refuse to refer to the acronym for that saying). By the time you’re 30, though, the novelty of binging on your favorite vice should start to wear off. You should be too busy actually doing something with your life to even have time for any of this stuff....

January 20, 2023 · 4 min · 803 words · Tracy Dean

What You Only Realize When You Re Adulting

Check out these 15 things you only realize when you’re adulating: 1. You Realize NOTHING Gets Done Unless You Do It You knew your parents did a lot for you when you lived at home, but it was only when you moved out that you realized HOW much they actually did. Now you do the laundry, the washing up, and you take out the bins – and why is the lampshade so dusty?...

January 20, 2023 · 4 min · 775 words · Michael Covington

What Your Credit Card Says About You

The Traveler The Big Spender These are people who love to impulse buy. They see something on sale or a new gadget come out and they must have it immediately and onto the credit card it goes. People who love to impulse buy often buy expensive things. Therefore their credit cards are usually the kind that offer some sort of cash back. The more they spend, the more cash back they get....

January 20, 2023 · 3 min · 630 words · Traci Merkle

When Does Great Service Happen

Chronic frustration is a frequent driver: A few months ago the topic requested most was The Reinvention of Human Resources. Nowadays, it seems nearly everyone is asking me to speak about The Art of Ho‘okipa (hospitality) in Service. Mediocrity is running rampant in customer service, and people are sick of it. In fact, the alarming trend is that mediocrity is starting to look okay next to the flagrantly bad service examples we keep running into....

January 20, 2023 · 3 min · 570 words · Michael Rhoden

When Parents Are Trying Too Hard Loving Their Kids Becomes Destroying Them

Expectation Isn’t Everything All parents want what is best for their kids, and for them to have the opportunities that they didn’t. Or perhaps they just want them to follow in their footsteps to achieve the level of greatness that they have, or better. That’s why they choose to instill those values in them at an early age. To work hard, and to do well. Children absolutely need that encouragement and that support to excel and flourish....

January 20, 2023 · 5 min · 952 words · Charles Breheny

When To Take Probiotics For The Best Health Benefits

Many brands market themselves on the fact they contain high numbers of ‘good’ bacteria, while others tout the inclusion of specific strains. However, this isn’t the full picture. What most people don’t realize is that those billions of bacteria and special strains aren’t any good to you if the bacteria itself can’t colonize your gut! Probiotic supplements have a tough journey. Once swallowed, the vulnerable bacteria move into the very acidic environment of your stomach....

January 20, 2023 · 7 min · 1460 words · Martha Fisher

When You Re A Daddy S Girl These 10 Amazing Things Happen

To the Daddies: Read further to know how much your little daughter needs you, To the Daughters: Read further , just to learn about the amazing things that have happened and will happen when you are a Daddy’s girl. 1. You will know that someone has and will always care about you He was waiting for your eyes to open for the first time. He was waiting for you to learn to walk....

January 20, 2023 · 6 min · 1130 words · David Pizarro

Why Couples Should Keep Their Financial Independence

1. It will allow the couple to adjust to the inter-dependency of expenses, especially if one or both were already financially independent before marriage. Since marriage is about conjugal rights of both parties’ assets, etc., it is really important to have a smooth transition from single life to married life. In order to achieve that, in the first phase of the married life, the couple should respect the autonomy of one towards his/her expenses and what he/she wishes to spend to it....

January 20, 2023 · 4 min · 734 words · Yer Jones

Why Ex Waiters Make The Best Employees

1. We can work under pressure. Ever had five tables demanding different things at once? Waiters have. The ability to stay calm under pressure gives these employees the ability to stay calm in a crisis. 2. We have people skills. Learning how to interact with a wide range of people is crucial to a waiter; his or her tip depends on it. If your business has lots of different personalities, finding an ex-waiter will help you make sure everyone has a positive experience when they walk through your doors....

January 20, 2023 · 3 min · 558 words · Ashley Jaeger

Why Focusing On The Calorie Doesn T Help You Eat Healthier

If you focus strictly on how many/few calories you’re intaking, you may be cheating yourself out of important protein your body needs. When you cheat yourself out of calories, your body will use the protein you do eat for energy rather than applying it toward building muscle, improving immunity, and aiding in the health of your hair, skin and nails.[1] According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), adult women and men should aim to consume 46g to 56g of protein per day, respectively....

January 20, 2023 · 3 min · 556 words · Walter Sargent

Why Is Eating On The Move So Difficult

In fact, eating out is no longer something we do only on special occasions. 43% of us will now eat out at least once a week, according to a report by Morgan Stanley.[1] This can have a big impact on our diet and our wallet. The latest infographic from Water Elephant has looked into how our eating habits have changed and which generations find it important to buy healthy food....

January 20, 2023 · 1 min · 147 words · Frances Dillehay

Why Is It Important To Set Realistic Goals

In other words, aim high and set far-reaching goals, and even if you’re not quite there, you’re going to be in a good place. I very much agree with the sentiment behind setting ambitious goals in all areas of life. However, Norman Vincent Peale and I may disagree in framing such goals from the outset in a way that already talks about the possibility of failing to hit them or setting and achieving goals that might be impossible....

January 20, 2023 · 7 min · 1393 words · Michelle Lavin