This list is laid out in no particular order, and bear in mind that you don’t need to tick all the boxes. If you are experiencing just a few of these, then you would be right to go and get a pregnancy test. Then you’ll know for sure if you should have that glass of wine later on with the girls.

1. Changes In Energy Levels

As the body prepares for the growth of the embryo, you will experience a decrease in energy levels and will feel more tired than usual. You will probably find yourself heading off to bed much earlier at night, or even taking a nap during the day. This will all change in time. A few weeks from now and you will have your energy back again just as before. In pregnancy, there is a remarkable increase in progesterone, estrogen, and hCG. These hormones will dictate how you will be feeling at this time and over the next few months.

2. A Metallic Taste

One of the early signs of pregnancy within the first two weeks is a distinct metallic taste. Coupled with that, foods may taste different and you might find yourself preferring to eat things you normally wouldn’t.

3. Spotting and Cramping

Spotting of blood and cramping can often be observed around the time that your period is due. Some women mistake it for a light period. It is thought the spotting and cramping is a result of the embryo settling into the womb. It is nothing to worry about, but can be an early sign of pregnancy.

4. Tender Breasts

Many women will feel tingling and tenderness in their breasts very early on.You may also notice that your breasts have increased in size and your bra doesn’t fit as well as before. The area around the nipple, the areola, may become darker in colour and the breasts may develop marked blue veins.

5. Nausea

Nausea can come about very early on for some women. It can actually be the first tell-tale sign for many. Certain foods may bring about nausea, like spicy food, fried food, or foods with a lot of herbs in them. Sometimes this can lead to morning sickness, but it is usually a few weeks down the line before that becomes a problem.

6. Missed Period

The most obvious sign that there is a possibility of pregnancy is a missed period. That isn’t always the case however, and some women do continue to have bleeding throughout their pregnancy. This is not a proper period, but can be confused for one.

7. Heightened Sense of Smell

This is common early on and is not usually a good thing, as it can spark nausea. Unfortunately, there is very little you can do about it, except to stay from those aromas you have identified as offensive.

8. Bowel Changes

Around that time that you are expecting your period, you may notice that you are having problems with constipation. This is a common problem throughout pregnancy, but is also evident from the early weeks. Drink plenty of water and eat high fibre foods to help with this. If you get no relief, then speak to your doctor.

9. Mood Changes

The increase of hormones plays a big role in the mood swings we experience in pregnancy. This can start right off the bat with periods of tearfulness followed by bouts of joy and excitement. Don’t worry about this — it’s just those pesky hormones again.

10. Dizzyness or Fainting

Skipping meals is not a good idea during pregnancy, but early on, before we know we’re pregnant, this can result in dizzy spells or even fainting. Eat frequently to keep your blood sugar supply in check and never skip meals if you think you might be pregnant.

11. Appetite Changes

Some women find that they need much more food from very early on, while others are turned off by many foods. Either way, it’s fair to say that you may experience changes in your appetite. Try to eat a balanced diet and don’t worry too much at this stage.

12. Changes in Your Vagina

Who would have thought your vagina would be the number one tell-tale sign that you might be early on in pregnancy? The vagina and vulva change from a pink shade to a darker purple very early on in the pregnancy before a lot of the other signs we’ve already mentioned.

13. Weight Loss

At last, a sign worth celebrating. It is not unusual for women to loose a few pounds in the first few weeks of pregnancy.

14. Frequent Urination

You may be using the toilet more often these days or even getting up in the middle of the night to go. This was the first tell-tale sign for me when I was pregnant. So, as you can see, there are several clues to help you come up with a good guess as to whether or not you might be pregnant. But remember, everyone is different and every pregnancy is different, so it can be hard to tell despite all these pointers. If you think there may be a chance you’re pregnant, now’s the time to go out and grab a test and see if your guess is right. You can get an accurate result from a home pregnancy test four days before your period is due or seven days after you had unprotected sex. I hope you get the result you are hoping for, whatever that may be!