1. You don’t have the time.

Dressing up is hard work. You have to do your hair, put on makeup and figure out what the heck you’re going to wear, and it usually involves uncomfortable footwear. You prefer to dress for the entire day; wearing an outfit that can easily transition from daywear to nightwear. You like to keep your morning routine simple. You usually shower and throw on a pair of workout leggings and a comfy T-shirt. You usually don’t even bother with your contacts. Wearing your chic eyeglasses is so much easier.

2. You’d rather just stay in and watch Netflix if you know that going out means wearing high heels.

High heels look great but they wreak havoc on your feet all night long. How can you enjoy yourself when you’re wincing in pain with every step? You marvel at the girls walking confidently in their heels and secretly think that they must have some kind of superpower to be able to walk like that while strapped into those pain machines all night.

3. Figuring out what shoes to wear with an outfit is actually really really hard.

You don’t want to clash but you don’t want to look like you’re trying too hard, and you still want to be comfy. Rather than deal with the struggle, you just slip on the Birkenstocks that you’ve worn for the past six years that go with everything and move on with your day.

4. You love simplicity.

You don’t really own or wear that many accessories or the accessories you do own are basically stashed away and collecting dust. You usually wear a few sentimental pieces of jewelry 90% of the time and only touch your other pieces when you’re feeling particularly adventurous. More often than not, the eyeglasses you own tend to be your only accessory. The good thing is, if you remember any episode of America’s Next Top Model, over-accessorizing is white noise for one’s look. Keep your pallet simple, and let your self be the star, not your bangles.

5. You basically live in your yoga pants.

Yoga pants are mankind’s greatest invention. They’re super comfy, stretchy and don’t dig into your skin like jeans do. Yoga pants are perfect for everything: running errands, doing laundry, going to class, hanging out with friends, working out, or just vegging on the couch and watching Netflix. It’s guaranteed you’ll be perfectly comfortable all day long in your yoga pants.

6. When you do dress up, you feel really awkward.

You’re so used to wearing comfy clothes that when you finally have an obligation to dress up, you feel really weird. But also, you really dig it. You’re reveling in the compliments. “I should do this more often,” you think. But then when you remember how much work it was to get ready, it immediately gives you a headache. You’ll just stick to your usual low-key style. Girls who hate dressing up don’t like to hide behind clothes and makeup. We like to be genuine and be ourselves all the time. So keep rocking that low-key style and remember that our comfy fashion shows that we’re comfortable with ourselves and are laid-back but still confident and fun. Featured photo credit: IMG_8289/Justin Tune via flic.kr