Whenever you are in a situation that causes you an extreme emotional response, give yourself 24 hours before you make your opinions and feelings known. When you are under pressure, your nervous system kicks in and your body is flooded with adrenaline, cortisol and other chemicals that prevent you from acting in a rational manner. Emotionally intelligent people know that even those who usually remain calm struggle to control their feelings when provoked, and they act accordingly.[1] They know that time is a valuable tool in handling problems. Taking time out to process your emotions and look at the bigger picture prevents you from lashing out in frustration, anger or grief. Any urge towards a knee-jerk reaction will dissipate within a few hours, and you can then think carefully about how next to proceed. This approach to conflict and problem-solving can go a long way in protecting your most important relationships from unnecessary disputes. By taking time away from the person who has aggravated you, you demonstrate respect both for their feelings and the gravity of the situation. So the next time someone annoys you, simply remove yourself from their company without making a fuss and sit on the problem for 24 hours. Your emotions will settle, leaving you free to devise a rational response to any type of problem.