People around the world are working to make money to run their families and make their dreams come true. Some people are successful enough to have their own businesses and provide employment to the skillful individuals of the nation. There are lots of intricacies that exist in the employee and employer relationship and their understanding is important for both. While employees have to keep performing well, stay punctual, and behave like professionals to become the favorites of their employers, there are even bigger responsibilities on the shoulders of employers. They have to keep their employees happy in order to keep them performing at the peak of their energies. This needs to be done by the employer by following certain standards. They have to consistently stick to these best practices that guarantee a great relationship between the employer and the employees. What are those best practices? Given below are some of the most important ones:

Pay Well and On Time

Of course, every employee in the world is working for money, and that’s exactly what the employers are running their businesses for. It is surprising how happy it makes employees when they get their salaries on time. You don’t have to pay them any extra incentives or bonuses every month. Just pay them on time and they will always admire this effort from you. However, another important thing is to pay well. You don’t want to hire the most affordable employees available to you. You see someone in need and you offer a small salary for the big work that needs to be done. While you might be able to easily find someone who would do the job even for that small sum of money, you will never be able to get the performance and attitude of going an extra mile for you from your employees. Employees love to return the favor, but they are just as consistent in returning the pain too.

Provide a Great Workplace Experience

Your employees spend 8 to 9 hours daily at your workplace, so you could call their workplace their second home. Making this second home safe and pleasing for them is extremely important in order to keep them productive and happy. Big companies are always very serious about their workplace experience. First, keep the workplace neat and clean with daily cleaners. Clean the toilets on a regular basis and provide air conditioning in your office if you can. If you can’t afford air conditioning, make sure you arrange for proper ventilation. Keep the most comfortable furniture in the office that does not give back pains. Keep some refreshments for employees to have during their breaks. Have a pest control system that keeps the pests away from your office. Install security cameras for the safety of your employees. Security alarms are also very important so your employees can stay safe during emergency situations like fire eruption, carbon monoxide leakage, etc. Keep the overall experience of your workplace clean and happy.

Workers Compensation

If you have a business where your workers are exposed to things that could potentially cause them injuries, you need to have workers’ compensation in place. Having workers’ compensation not only provides your employees benefits when something goes wrong, but it makes your employees loyal to you because they know you care about them. You have to know that a compensation policy serves as a great shield for you against work injury claims from your workers. If a worker gets injured at your workplace you provide them with the benefit of paying their monthly wages in addition to bearing the expenses on their medical procedures. In return, your employees are made to sign on a document that keeps them from going to court against you when such an injury takes place. However, they can take you to court if you refuse to give them their rightful benefits.

Team-Building Efforts

Employers that have foresight are very serious about team-building exercises. They will conduct these exercises regularly to keep the morale of their employees high and make them understand their value. Team-building exercises are conducted for individuals to know their potential, their value and role as part of a team, and the value of working as a team. Employees are able to discover their leadership qualities and any other qualities that they might not have known about beforehand. Team-building exercises can be conducted within your office premises or by taking your employees to some other location for a day or two. Outdoor team building exercises are conducted by professionals from big companies that have outdoor venues near beaches, in the mountains, and on other refreshing spots for team building activities.

Appreciation and Interaction

Employers have to appreciate the efforts of their employees if they want them to be loyal. Why would you keep putting all your efforts toward things you never get credit for? Employers also have to find unique ways to appreciate their employees. A notice board where you can put the picture of employee of the month is one way of doing that. However, that is just not enough in modern times when employees know how other companies are treating their employees. You have to arrange functions and shows where you can reward your employees for their efforts. Such gatherings are also an important part of team-building exercises. You want your employees to interact and socialize with each other. By rewarding them in front of hundreds of people, you give them the courage that makes them great performers in future. You can reward them by handing over some souvenir or a small cash prize. Distribution of USBs, t-shirts, Rubik’s cubes etc. with the name of your brand on these items is quite a strong way of marketing as well as making your employees happy. Featured photo credit: Michael Scott from via