Students Are Also Your Best Teachers

We heard of teachers who are ever so inspiring, giving up so much in order to help their students achieve great things in life. Once such movie about teachers is Freedom Writers, a story based on Woodrow Wilson Classical High School in Long Beach, California, and their English teacher, Erin Gruwell. This movie is about a teacher inspiring change through her own actions, motivating and bringing good influence into the lives of students.

English teacher Erin Gruwell was challenged with her new class of not-eager-for college students who often got involved in gang fights, and disliked her because she is white. It wasn’t until Erin held a discussion about a drive-by shooting death that she begun to understand what she was up against. She then assigns her students to write journals which will not be read unless they agree, and her students started to open up to her.

Everyone should have equal opportunity to learn

This movie not only highlights problems with the American educational system, but also our society’s challenges in schooling children from poor and complicated family backgrounds. The movie doesn’t give miracle answers for all of these kids who are still living at risk, desperately needing help, but it does give hope, that maybe someone like Erin will be able to speak for them and let them tell their stories. “Even if nobody else read it, the book will be something to leave behind and said we were here and this is what happened, we matter, even if it was just to each other” This movie is beautifully filmed, telling the stories of students who just want to be able to live out their dreams in an unjust world.This inspiring film delivers a positive and productive message for each of us. If you believe in hope, you will find this movie on your favourite list. Watch Freedom Writers on iTunes

Finding Freedom In Writing - 10