This isn’t just necessary and important for writing, or drawing, or creating collections — it is also crucial for developing yourself and your own style into a direction where you grow to be comfortable and confident in your own skin. It is about seeing your environment and attaching whatever goes on, whatever makes you feel happy or alive or great to your own personality or your way of dressing.

Inspiration Is Personal

Wherever there’s you, there is someone else too; there are things and people and moments that wake something in you, whether it is the urge to create something or to put something down, or the urge to talk to someone, just to get to know this special person. Everything is connected and in this wonderful world of inspiration we are what we are supposed to be in this society — equals. If you don’t know who exactly you are yet, or if you haven’t figured out what your personal style might be there need not be despair or doubt because finding out more about you and creating yourself a unique way of dressing that fits your personality, takes time, effort and self-conscious. Helpful to those who aren’t aware of what their personal style might truly be, is trying to get inspired by those we look up to — whether it is a celebrity, or an icon (of present and of past), a family member, a friend, a mentor, a teacher. To become who you really want to be — in style as well as in personality, character and image — it’s perfectly fine and okay to look at others to divide between certain features you’d most certainly would like to behold and others you definitely could do without. Draw from all ressources possible to define what you like and what you dislike, to get just a hint of inspiration or even a full blasted epiphany: Movies, Magazines, Songs, Icons, Role Models, Models, Fashion Shows, Red Carpets, Celebrities, Fashion Shoots, Books, whatever it is that matter to you and that gives you a kick (except for drugs and murder and so on… things like that I truly can’t support, sorry). Look around you. It is so often so simple that we don’t notice it, yet it can be beautiful and magical.

Lesson #2: I’m just trying to change the world, one sequin at a time.

This is one of my most favourite quotes by Lady Gaga; a singer, entertainer, songwriter, and above all, a driving force of Fashion and Invention. I think I am well allowed to state that out there in this beautiful, turbulent world of variety, there is by far no one as inspiring and provocative and inventive and ridiculous and crazy as mademoiselle Gaga. Of course, you are also allowed to doubt several choices of attire — like the meat dress— but I think she set a statement with this look, just like she does with every other look she pulls off. That’s truly what life is about, isn’t it? Trying on everything you like and love and that makes you happy without caring about what society thinks and regardless of all the weird looks you get while strolling along a street. Trust me, that is something I experience myself every single day and by now, after almost 26 years of living and breathing and trying to find / invent myself, I can say that I simply couldn’t care less about what others think of me and my style. If you are confident with who you are and if you can pull yourself off perfectly, there is no glance, no bad comment, no weird attitude towards you that could possibly shake your belief in yourself. And it shouldn’t because in the end, it will turn out that most people are just a) either too shallow to realize who you are or b) jealous of not being confident enough themselves. Go your own way, set your own statement, leave a trace of your sparkling personality behind, be inspiring and get inspired by being aware of what is going on around you. Open your eyes and see the world for what it is: a beautiful, turbulent, crazy, tough, immaculate thing of whose story you are an important part. It’s a jungle out there — dress accordingly!