Sadly, many people start a workout session incorrectly and as a result, short-circuit the results that they could have achieved. Take the time to learn the most common weight lifting mistakes new lifters make and be sure to avoid them, as it will work well to your benefit. Let’s have a quick look at what you need to know so that you can put your best foot forward.

1. Using An Advanced Workout Routine

The very first error that’s commonly made is using a more advanced workout routine than necessary or possible. While it’s great that you want to see optimal success and push yourself, remember that your body is just getting used to the exercise of weight lifting. If you put yourself on an advanced split body routine with intricate lifting techniques, how well do you think you’ll keep up? Not well at all. It’ll be one week in and you’ll be injured. Or you’ll only fully commit for a few weeks than stop due to a lack of time and motivation. Clearly this isn’t what you’re after. Choose a workout routine that fits your schedule and fits your body. You’ll be much more likely to reach results.

2. Adding Too Much Volume

Also be careful to limit and pay very careful attention to how much volume you’re lifting. Five sets of each exercise is not needed to see good results. Aim for two or three sets at first and see how you do. Often, if you’re devoted to those two to three sets, it will be sufficient to help you increase your total strength and progress level.

3. Focusing On Cardio Training

Take a critical look at your workout routine, and it’s balance between workouts and goals. Whether your primary goal is to lose fat or build muscle, strength training is where it’s at–not cardio workouts. Some new lifters put far too much emphasis on cardio, only to see a lack of progress. Mixing cardio with weight lifting can easily lead to over training. Cardio also negatively impacts the muscle building progression.

4. Neglecting Good Form

Good form is a must! If you don’t know how to use good form throughout your workout routine, you’ll be sacrificing your effort. Consult with a personal trainer, find a friend in the gym, or critically watch YouTube for instruction. If you do use poor form, be prepared to not achieve your muscle building goals, due to an inability to stimulate the muscles. In addition, you’re going to put yourself at risk for a serious injury. Take the time to build good habits from the start, and slow down your technique. Combine breathing with lifting for both proper form, and for making your workouts more efficient.

5. Not Paying Attention To Nutrition

Finally, the last critical error that’s made far too often is completely neglecting nutrition. Many new lifters focus on the workout element, but forget about their diet, or even worse, use workouts as a justification for their diet. Don’t fall in the trap of eating poorly due to a new workout routine, you’ll tend to outweigh the benefits of the workout itself. Remember, your diet is going to establish which direction your bodyweight moves. If you aren’t tracking calories properly and getting the right macro-nutrient mix, you are headed for problems. Make sure that you keep this all in mind as you go forward with your strength training workout routine. If you do, you can feel confident that you are on the road to success.