1. This Too, Shall Pass

When something occurs that causes you to become overly anxious, or if anxiety creeps in for no apparent reason, stop what you are doing and focus on your mind. Breathe in and out, deeply and slowly. Then, immediately tell yourself (out loud if you have to) that it is only temporary. Repeat this over and over again as many times as you need to in order to calm down and convince yourself of this. Think about all of the times in your life that you have been anxious and reassure yourself that you have always been just fine in the end. Do not attempt to ignore the anxiety; acknowledge the feelings you are having and tell yourself that you are going to be okay.

2. Focus on your Inner Being

Learn about anxiety and what it entails by asking your healthcare professional, counselor, or by researching credible sources. Doing so will greatly benefit you when anxiety begins to rear its ugly head. When you are suddenly faced with a circumstance that jolts your anxiety into high gear, you will be more prepared to deal with the physiological changes so they do not spiral out of control.  Knowing what to do when this happens beforehand will allow you to face an abrupt period of anxiety.  Learn about deep breathing methods, self-talk strategies, and other forms of immediate relief and see what works for you when anxious moments begin.

3. Self-Talk and Affirmations

Never underestimate the power of positive self-talk and affirmations. These are a few ways many people effectively deal with any anxiety issues they face. Reading positive affirmations and reciting positive self-talk, repeatedly, to yourself can work wonders. When adopted as a useful tool, they work instantaneously to bring a sense of calm in many situations. Finding quotes that pertain to specific situations and writing them down, downloading them through an app on your phone, or even by sticking Post-It notes in places where they are easily seen, will remind you of how to think about daily challenges. Life is hard for many people, and finding ways to deal with the stress is purely based on an individual level. One of the effective ways many people choose to deal with stress is to look into the meaning of the things that initially resulted in the rising stress level. At any given moment, you can choose to be stressed or you can choose to be empowered. You can allow stress to destroy you, or you can let it help you grow. You can choose to feel grateful, by first learning and understanding that you don’t need an excuse to feel good. As Tony Robbins says, “You can feel good for no reason“.

4. Get Healthy

Seemingly obvious, getting healthy is, for some people, also difficult to do.  Many people that have constant anxiety may have specific vices that may not be so healthy to help mask the problem. These may make anxiety worse or only help temporarily. Eating healthy foods, getting plenty of sleep, and exercising will go a long way in terms of controlling anxiety. Foods rich in vitamin B, such as beef, chicken, leafy greens, nuts, and citrus fruits can help keep anxiety at bay. Keeping yourself hydrated with plenty of fresh water each day can help as well.

5. Get your Zzzzzzz’s

For many anxiety sufferers, getting a good night’s sleep may seem an impossible task. Many people who suffer from this illness tend to stay up late, thus allowing an overtired body and mind to become more susceptible to anxious thoughts the next day. With the many healthy sleep methods out there, as well as the plethora of strategies for good sleep that are available from your health professional, it can be a reality.  Being awake and alert throughout the day can ease anxiety and help you think much more clearly and realistically. Anxiety can be debilitating for many, and educating yourself, finding what works for you, in keeping yourself armed with certain techniques can help you remain proactive and able to fight any unnecessary, negative feelings that creep into your mind. Empowering yourself with these methods can help you keep your anxiety under control and lead you to a more productive, healthy, and happy life. Featured photo credit: woman-happiness-sunrise-silhouette via pixabay.com