If you’re looking for a way to improve your life other, you should consider learning a musical instrument. This article will directly pinpoint some benefits of learning to play an instrument:

1. Improve Learning

The intellectual exercise involved in music is expansive and broad for most instrument motor skills, and finger placement is a must if you learn to play an instrument effectively. The notes on music sheets require you to count the beat and calculate when you should play, for how long, and at what speed. That said, learning to play an instrument will allow you to build your mathematical and logical skills to visualize rhythm patterns and to read music.

2. Increase Patience

Learning to play an instrument demands patience. You won’t be able to do it right away the first time you sit on the bench. You need to practice harder, and the more you practice, the better you will be. But, this requires immense patience and calmness. Exhibiting patience while learning a musical instrument will go a long way in helping you to be a patient person in all ramifications of your life.

3. Lower Cortisol Levels

One of the main benefits of learning to play an instrument is that it helps improve the flow and balance of oxygen in your body. Music can lower cortisol levels in your body. As you may know, cortisol is the body’s stress hormone, responsible for the fight or flight response. Lowering cortisol levels will make you feel more at peace and transposed.

4. Fuels Concentration

Focusing on a single activity often, like learning to play a chord on the guitar, piano, or a simple drum beat, requires attention. As a musical instrument learner, being able to develop your concentration skills through such tasks can help you concentrate in other areas in your life, such as studying for a test or writing that report for work.

5. Help Your Mental Health

Learning to play an instrument is a great accomplishment. When you feel down, you can remind yourself of all of the hard work and practice you did to be able to play a song. That said, learning to play an instrument can be a source for self-esteem, as you see yourself as someone who gets things done versus someone who stands on the sidelines, watching life roll by. Also, focusing on playing that note on the piano or cord on the guitar can help provide you with a healthy distraction from unwanted anxiety or angst. When life becomes stressful, instead of going for sugar and fast food (or whatever your unhealthy go-to in stressful situations) you can now pick up the guitar or sit on that piano bench and play your stress away. Learning to play a musical instrument can be entertaining or frustrating for some people. But, irrespective of your age, you can still benefit from learning an instrument. Besides all benefits, learning to play an instrument will have a direct impact on your mental health, improve creativity and discipline. Ready to pick up that instrument you’ve set aside for some time? Ready to call up that piano teacher or go on Youtube? Go start playing today and enjoy the many benefits it brings you. How has playing a musical instrument affected your life? What benefits have you received? Please don’t hesitate to leave a comment. Featured photo credit: pixabay via pixabay.com