What does the WD stand for? I thought you would never ask. In the 1950’s a chemist named Norm Larsen was working on a product to prevent corrosion. Since water is a major culprit in corrosion, he came up with a formula which “displaces,” “water.” This Water Displacement formula (WD) was his 40th attempt. Hence, WD-40. Unfortunately, even though this is one of the greatest tools of all time it is packaged with one of the worst tools of all time. That horrible little red tube thing taped to the can. It ALWAYS falls off. And it is impossible not to loose it. However, here are a few of the magic elixirs greatest uses.

Cures arthritis. My father-in-law swears by this. He is a retired Air Force mechanic and when his knuckles and knees get grouchy he squirts them with WD-40. He says it works every time. Bathroom light bulb. If you squirt the threads before you install the bulb it won’t get corroded and break when you try to change it. Satellite TV Dish. If you live in a snowy climate the white stuff can build up on your dish and screw up your reception. Shoot a coating of WD-40 on the dish and the snow will slide off instead. Fan rejuvenator. If you like a floor fans to keep your air circulating you know it eventually collects enough dust to slow the motor down. Take it outside and set it on a newspaper. Then spray WD-40 into the motor until it comes clean. Pipe Tape. When I put pipe thread on a threaded pipe joint I spray the male and female connectors with WD-40. It makes an awesome waterproof connection. Lime Remover. Got that calcified build up at the base of your faucet. Spray it with WD-40, wait a few minutes then scrape it off with a popsicle stick. Spot Remover. Water spots on polished aluminum can be removed with an application of WD-40. It work on my Harley-Davidson. Tree Sap Zapper. Got tree sap on your car? Put some WD-40 on a soft cloth and gently rub it away. Sticker Remover. Did some idiot put an “I break for _____” on your car bumper. Leave your gun in the glove box. Spray the edges of the sticker with WD-40 and gently work your way toward the other end to remove the sticker and the glue. Squirrel Attack. Are the squirrels raiding your bird feeders? Spray the pole about half way up with a generous coat of WD-40. The squirrels don’t love it.

Those are ten of my top WD-40’s what are some of yours? Reg Adkins writes on behavior and the human experience at (elementaltruths.blogspot.com).

Greatest Tools  3  WD 40 - 10