
The decision to install a central air conditioning unit or cut down a dying or diseased tree leaves you with the problem of whether to hide the remaining eyesores. Cellar or bulkhead doors, which are often called Bilco doors as Bilco is a leading manufacturer of such entryways, usually come with the house, but that’s no reason to leave it as is. The same is true of septic tank lids. Whether you opt to hide unsightly yard objects or find a way to decorate them, there’s numerous options that work well and won’t interfere with the appliance, if applicable.

Hiding Unsightly Yard Objects

Use the following tips and tricks to disguise assorted eyesores in your backyard. This lesson is free for the first 7 days, after which; to subscribe to the lesson will cost only $1.99. All other lessons will cost $1.99 too.