What would you be able to accomplish if you lived without fear? Here are some tips to help you overcome them and become unstoppable!

1. Plan It Out

Do you find yourself pressing the snooze button regularly? Or does it feel like you’re wasting time in a job you don’t love? As you follow your dreams and create new plans for the future, you might begin to fear failure and become hesitant. Having a plan in place will help you overcome this anxiety. As the saying goes, “Proper planning prevents poor performance.” Set achievable objectives that will bring you closer to your goals, and stay committed to your plan. Don’t let the fear of failure keep you from realizing your dreams.

2. Use Stress-Relief Techniques

Being in fear-filled situations can put significant strain on the body. If you are afraid of the dark, you might start to feel tightness in your chest, a dry throat, or have difficulty breathing. When stress overwhelms you, try repeating affirmations like, “I’m going to be okay,” or “This moment will soon pass.” Create a mantra that is grounding and helps you release fear. You could also listen to calming music. Peaceful sounds from nature or the ocean are known to relax the muscles. Moving your body is another way to work through anxiety—go for a walk or stretch. Here’re 7 Stress Management Techniques to Get You Back on Track. By learning to manage stress, you will feel more in control and empowered.

3. Talk to Friends and Family

Do you have a fear of being alone? After work or on the weekends, do you worry about having nowhere to go and nothing to do? We are social creatures, and it can be difficult to be by ourselves for an extended period of time. The next time you are feeling lonely, reach out to a family member or best friend. Having support to lean on will lift your spirits and help you feel less isolated. If you are stressing out about a job interview, call a friend or meet up beforehand. Talking through worries in advance will help you feel more confident and at ease. Having an uplifting “go-to team” before an anxiety-inducing event makes all the difference.

4. Write Down Your Fears

What are your fears—small spaces, flying, rejection, or success? Identifying phobias is the first step in learning how to manage and eliminate them. For example, if you fear snakes, come up with a plan to help you overcome that anxiety. You might look at pictures or play with toy snakes. Eventually, you can try to hold a real one. So, make a list of your worries—big and small—then, set realistic goals. Develop a step-by-step plan to work through each one over time.

5. Picture the End Result

Imagine being mid-flight when you feel turbulence jostle the plane, and the seatbelt sign comes on. You suddenly grab the armrest and can’t catch your breath. Up in the air at 35,000 feet, weather conditions might be unpredictable and leave you with a fear of flying. The best way to overcome this is to visualize your destination. Picture the smiling faces of your loved ones waiting for you at the airport. See yourself relaxing under the hot sun on your island vacation. Close your eyes and imagine you are crossing the finish line. Think of how great you will feel once you arrive and how proud you will be for overcoming the fear. Learn more about How to Become a Person Who Can Visualize Results.

6. Celebrate Success

Are you worried about the future and getting that big promotion or reaching your goal weight? Rather than concerning yourself with what is to come, celebrate your wins. Even if you don’t get the promotion, remember that you are doing a job you love and moving closer to taking the next steps. Maybe you didn’t lose the full twenty pounds, but at least you lost some of it so celebrate! Ordinarily, we tend to focus on what is not working rather than on what we have accomplished. Make a list of your achievements and celebrate how far you’ve come. Find the victory in everything you do and take pride in your triumphs.

7. Practice Makes Perfect

We have all been there before. You walk onto the dark stage, and the spotlight blinds you as you look out at the audience. Suddenly your mind goes blank, your palms start sweating, and you hear loud thumping in your chest. You might feel a wave of panic as you frantically try to remember your speech. At some point in time, most everyone experiences stage fright. So, how can you prepare? Weeks and days beforehand, rehearse what you want to say. Review it repeatedly in the mirror until you have it memorized. On the day of your speech, have some critical points written down that you can refer back to as you speak. Knowing what to say in advance will give you the confidence to let go and overcome the fear.

8. Stay Open to Change

Imagine you are driving and discover the roads are all closed. Suddenly, you are forced to take a detour. How do you react when plans don’t go your way? Do you panic or get frustrated? The fear of missing out or losing control of a situation can overwhelm the body and mind. Rather than worrying or getting angry, keep yourself open to the possibility of something new. The best course of action is to go with the flow. Let this opportunity take you on a new adventure. Be open to the unexpected, and trust that life will unfold just fine.

9. Create Your Safe Space

Do you fear confined spaces? If so, being in an elevator may stress you out. The next time you find yourself in a panic, try mindfulness or meditation. A big part of letting go of fear is listening to your soothing inner voice. Mindfulness will help minimize the fear of being restricted. When you meditate, you enter a safe place. Close your eyes, imagine the vast blue ocean, smell the salt in the air, and listen to the seagulls. Focus on feeling boundless and free. Instead of imagining negative things that could happen, visualize that you are solid and secure. No matter what you fear, learning how to relax and turn towards a positive mindset is key.

10. Remove Yourself From the Situation

Imagine you’re enjoying a quiet meal with a friend when suddenly, you hear the sound of glass breaking. You might feel a jolt of adrenaline and become panicked. These types of experiences can trigger your “fight or flight” response. When you feel overwhelmed, try to keep your mind from running loose. If necessary, excuse yourself from the situation and step outside until you feel calmer. When we are in high-tension situations, it’s beneficial to acknowledge available options and keep reminding yourself the moment will pass.

11. Have Courage

Do you chronically dread work or mentally run through the monotonous day filled with repetitive tasks? Maybe you haven’t felt a sense of purpose in years. Are you worried about leaving your current job because there might not be anything better? Life is meant to be experienced, so summon your courage and embrace the unknown by focusing on what lies ahead. Determine what will make you happiest, and keep your eyes on that goal. You may find that your most significant accomplishments are right around the corner.

12. Take a Deep Breath

Maybe you have a terrible fear of needles. Every time you’re at the doctor’s office, you look away while the nurse sanitizes your skin to deliver the shot. Instead of focusing on what’s going on in the moment, try taking four deep, slow breaths. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Try picturing yourself warm and safe, maybe cuddling with your furry friend. Deep breathing is grounding and helps us through scary moments. Just close your eyes, stay focused on the breath, and try to release the fear.

13. Have a Plan B

Let’s say you’re watching a movie at home when suddenly, the power goes out. Do you sit in the dark wondering when the lights will come back on? Are you worried about food in the fridge spoiling or your cell phone dying? Having no idea what to do next definitely causes fear. The antidote is having a course of action—a plan B—to feel prepared. In case of emergencies, have candles, portable chargers, or even a backup generator for you and your family. Purchase or prepare an emergency backpack, and always keep food and water on hand. Having a contingency plan will give you comfort, and it helps you take back control of the situation.

14. Trust Yourself

Have you ever been to the top of a tall building and looked down? Did you feel a wave of dizziness and suddenly grab onto the rail? You are not alone in this reaction, as many people are afraid of heights. There are times when we climb too high and find that we don’t know how to get down. The best thing you can do in this situation is to believe in your choices. Take a deep breath and trust that you can navigate your way back to safety. Find the confidence within to have faith in your resourcefulness. Imagine how proud you will feel after facing your fear and bravely overcoming it.

15. Talk to People Who Have Been There

Perhaps you are launching a new business and feel worried about failing. Maybe you don’t know how to get started or how much your expenses will be. After pouring your entire savings into this venture, you might begin to wonder if people will even want your product. Rather than focusing on all of the what-ifs, get advice from thriving business owners. Find entrepreneurs who went through your same worries and ask them for advice. Successful business owners usually want to pay it forward and speak to others about their achievements and losses. This will fill you with a new sense of motivation and purpose to achieve your goals. Seeking advice from those who have been where you are will help you overcome your fears.

16. Take Action

Picture this: You haven’t cleaned out your garage in a while. As you start organizing, you move a box and a giant black spider jumps out at you. Your eyes widen in shock and you start trembling. You need to clean, but you’re terrified that there are going to be more spiders. Rather than living with a cluttered garage, consider wearing gloves and layering your clothes. Find comfort in knowing that a couple of spiders will not hold you back. Take back your power by taking action. Think about how accomplished you will feel after conquering your fear.

17. Reward Yourself

Do you dread going to the dentist and hearing that high-pitched drill and scrape against your teeth? One way to overcome fear is to have a reward ready at the end of the journey. After your appointment, treat yourself to a delicious meal, or order something you’ve eyed online. Knowing there is a reward in place will give you the incentive to push through when you want to give up.

You Might Be Wondering…

How will I remember these tips when fear strikes? It is important to first focus on regulating your body’s stress response, then trust your instincts and take action. When you can work through blocks that hold you back, you grow as a person. You can create your own path and live life to its fullest. So, use the suggestions in this article to help you navigate anxiety-filled moments in life and let go of fear. Set a goal to list out your worries, and create a plan to eliminate or reduce them. Being unstoppable means letting go of fear and taking back your power!

More Tips on How to Let Go of Fear

Living in Fear? 14 Ways to Live Life Free of Fear and Full of Hope 7 Ways to Overcome Your Fear of the Unknown And Get More Out of Life What Happened to Me When I Let Go of My Fear of Being Alone

Featured photo credit: Frank Alarcon via unsplash.com