1. Forget the Past

In forgetting the past, all of the negative emotions are washed away. Any toxic feelings, moments, and memories are burned away, leaving one refreshed. It is hard, but it can help you feel better about the situation. When we forgive, and forget the past, we start with a clean slate. Who doesn’t want to start life with a fresh, clean, and new slate?

2. Apologize

If there was a fight or complication, regardless of the perpetrator, apologize. Apologies are always accepted regardless of how big the situation. Yes, it takes time but it is completely worth every bit of waiting. There is no shame in apologizing; the apologizer and the forgiver both come to a consensus of beginning anew once more. That is the primary thought that counts and is helpful in any given situation, and begins the healing process.

3. Make Sure There Is Trust

All relationships require trust. If there isn’t trust, the foundation may not last. Trust is the starting point of every relationship. It can create or destroy them. When you trust someone, you put your faith in them no matter what may happen, and you choose to stay by their side. In mending relationships, this is important. You should demonstrate that you trust the other person completely before the new start of your relationship with them. It is beautiful to see faith in any relationship because it is essential in both maintaining and mending relationships.

4. Be Focused

There is nothing greater than focus. Try and focus on what needs to be fixed before delving too far in the situation. Try to see where the differences lie. This will allow you to tread carefully and cautiously without hurting the other person. Trying to keep everyone’s feelings in place allows for ease in relationships and makes everyone feel wanted. Make sure you know what you want in the relationship. Knowing what you want in the distant future makes things a lot easier in the near future. Just make sure to have faith in yourself. Know who you are and who the other person is, and together you can figure out how to re-start.

5. Build Anew

Let bygones be bygones. Don’t stay where you were yesterday in the argument. Try to move on, and if you try, you eventually will be able to move on. If you live the same life for 75 years, that is not a life. People change, and so do times and circumstances. People are a result of these changes. Don’t let little things get to you, and just move on. It will make you feel better in the long run. That is a guarantee. Who doesn’t like change? Now that we have a clean slate, we can write whatever we want to on it. It doesn’t matter. It is new.

6. Start With Love

There is nothing greater than love. Go with a clean heart and tell the other person what you truly feel. Love is essential in healing. Love can prevent further damage. Love mends everything. It is something that we all crave more than anything in this world. It beats money, honor, or gratitude. Love is something that when given can only increase. It is unconditional and something so majestic and pure that it cannot be described fully in words. We build trust, faith, and confidence with love. Love has such strength; far greater than the greatest wonders of the world. Make sure your new relationship has love because it is truly unbeatable. It can outwit, outlast, anything in this world!

How to Mend Broken Relationships and Start Anew - 75How to Mend Broken Relationships and Start Anew - 55