DO: Accept the fact that you are leaving, and probably for a long time

As soon as you can face the fact that you are leaving, the easier it will be for you to actually leave. Denial is an inevitable part of moving. You tell all your friends that you will keep in touch and talk to them just as much as you do now. The sooner you accept that this probably isn’t true, the quicker you will be able to cope with it. You won’t see these people again unless they visit you, or you are back for a visit yourself.

DON’T: Get upset with people “back home”

In the age of social media it can be difficult not to notice your friends hanging out in all the places that you once frequented. This can make you feel like you are all alone in a new state that you know nothing about. Instead of feeling sad that you missed out, realize that there is a reason why you aren’t there. Bigger and better opportunities have brought you to a new place, and you should be happy about that.

DO: Take time each week to catch up with a friend or family member

Doing this will make you feel instantly better. Make a point of setting aside an hour, one day a week to talk to someone from where you once lived. Try to make it a different person every week, and then rotate. When you move you will have to make new friends, and that can be stressful. Talking with someone you already know will relieve your stress, while keeping that relationship going.

DON’T: Isolate yourself

A new city can be scary, but the answer is not to sit inside your house. Get out and meet new people! This can be intimidating if you aren’t an outgoing person, but it is extremely important to not feel alone in a new place. Hopefully you life in an area or apartment complex that has the same age range as you. Some apartment complexes have events for residents to do meet and greets. If you are lucky to live in a place like this, be sure to check them out. If you don’t live in a place that has events for residents, look in your local paper for events and festivals that the city is having. Make sure to go to them. You will meet new people, and get to explore your new city.

DO: Join Clubs/Groups/Activities

The fastest way to meet new people is to join a club or some sort. If you like basketball, join a local basketball team. Same goes for any other sport. If you love to write, go and join your local writers group. I can promise you that your new city has an activity that you can participate in. The best part about meeting people in these groups is that you already have something in common. The best relationships can stem from joining one of these groups. Moving to a new city is always challenging. Don’t get down, follow the do’s and don’ts and you will make it!