1. Start with your favorite color

Your favorite color is the perfect place to start when choosing wedding color combinations. You can incorporate any color beautifully into your wedding décor by choosing the right shade and accents, and even explore colored wedding dresses. If you’re not sure what you consider your most loved color take a look at your wardrobe and home decor. It’s likely you’ll find a common theme among your clothes and personal decorations that highlights your favorite hue. If you need more inspiration, create a color board. Collect and post images that highlight colors you like. When you feel it’s complete, stand back and see what shades are most often represented.

2. Let your setting inspire you

If you’ve already chosen your location, let the space inspire your color choices. The colors in your reception area may suggest an unexpected color scheme for you. Consider the carpeting, draperies and walls in your venue. If they all have vivid hues you may want to pick colors that coordinate. You can also consider selecting a more neutral site such as a tent, loft or converted warehouse. These are all essentially blank slates for your color scheme.

3. Factor in the season

Spring, summer, winter, or autumn, the season of your wedding can be an inspiration for the color combination you choose. Focus on the colors that Mother Nature has naturally supplied and select hues that complement these colors. This isn’t an unbending rule. Don’t dismiss a color you love just because it isn’t seasonal. Play with the shades and tones of your chosen colors and incorporate complementary seasonal hues.

4. Use your favorite flower

You may already know exactly what flowers you want for your bouquets and centerpieces. If so, let the colors of your favorite blooms inspire you. Include your principal flower color in your color scheme as either the primary shade or as an accent.

5. Consider how it will look in dresses

If you think you’ll want your bridesmaids entirely decked out in your color, make sure it’s a becoming shade to wear. Many brides are wearing colored dresses. If your own dress is colorful, you may want your bridesmaids’ dresses to be muted and simple. Consider having the bridesmaids wear one of the wedding colors in a decorative accent such as a hairpiece, gloves or jewelry.

Suggested combinations

In addition, there are several gorgeous color combinations perfect for weddings in 2016. Navy, yellow and blue are classic colors for a summer wedding. Emerald, cream and gold are a color combo just right for a tasteful winter affair. Ivy, pink and gray are elegant for a wedding in any season. White, sage and peach work well for a simple, contemporary occasion and steel and white are flawless for a dramatic event. Having discussed some beautiful color combinations, it’s important to keep in mind that not all colors work well together. There are a few combinations it’s best to avoid. For instance: yellow and red – using these colors in tandem will make your reception look like a fast food chain outlet. Orange and black – these colors are only acceptable during Halloween or a Halloween-themed wedding. Brown and yellow/gold – this color combination has 1970 written all over it. We wouldn’t recommend using this combo unless you’re going for a groovy wedding vibe. All and all, keep these tips in mind when selecting your color combos for your wedding so the colors make a statement on your special day.