Yet achieving air purity is not a simple task. Cleaning the air in older homes seems like a never-ending chore — and even new homes can have air quality problems. Here are eight tips for purifying the air in your home.

1. Get your ducts cleaned.

If your home uses forced air cooling and/or heating, the ducts should be cleaned at least once every year. Mold, pollen, dust, and debris build up over time, and unfortunately there’s no DIY way to get it out. So bite the bullet and call the professionals.

2. Invest in an air purifier.

These machines are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (and therefore doctors are cautious about recommending them), so it’s unclear to what degree their claims about reducing the levels of dirt and allergens in the air can be believed. However, they have definitely improved over the past 20 years and will have a positive impact on the air quality in your home (if used as instructed).

3. Choose home cleaning products with care.

Along with the pollutants that enter the home through the windows and doors, there are the pollutants that people carry into their homes and then release! Try to use cleaning products with natural ingredients and without harsh chemicals.

4. Choose new flooring materials with care.

Another way that homeowners inadvertently introduce pollutants into their home is through the installation of new flooring (and other synthetic materials). Carpet, laminate, and tiles can all emit pollutants for a period of time after installation. Reduce such off-gassing by doing research before you buy flooring, by choosing a product that releases the smallest amount of harmful chemicals, and by ventilating well during and immediately after the installation.

5. Try wet dusting.

Keeping in mind that traditional dusting and sweeping propels dust and pollen into the air, consider “dusting” with a wet cloth and “sweeping” with a damp mop.

6. Clean old carpets well.

Old carpets can absorb and store dust, pollen, mold, and harmful chemicals. Ensure that they are cleaned regularly with a vacuum cleaner using a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate absorption) filter. If you choose to wet-clean old carpets, professional steam cleaning is the safest and most effective option.

7. Clean curtains and drapes.

Curtains and drapes are no doubt what add to your home that final perfect touch of elegance, beauty and decoration and allow in the ideal amount of sunlight. They come to breathe life into a room as they complement the interior décor. However, Curtains and drapes mostly get dusty — very dusty, which means they need to be washed or cleaned on a regular basis. Although you can clean your drapes and curtains yourself at home, the best option remains to hire the services of a professional cleaner especially when it comes to those without a washing instruction label.

8. Monitor humidity levels.

In the bathroom and kitchen, ensure that the ventilation is adequate to eliminate excess humidity in a timely manner. On the other hand, if you use a humidifier to deal with dry indoor air, monitor the humidity with a hygrometer. Relative humidity levels of 30 percent to 50 percent are optimal. A level above 60 percent results in mold. A variety of factors affect the quality of the air in your home. Therefore constant vigilance is required to maintain a healthy indoor environment. Every effort that you make is worthwhile, as cleaner indoor air results in fewer respiratory problems and a reduced need for medications. Featured photo credit: shutterstock via