It is actually helpful for human body, as by crying the body releases adrenaline and cortisol, helping ease stress. But, who cares? The most important thing is to just wipe out the face clean and free of tears.We all just care about eyes after crying. Luckily enough, you don’t have to go to a high-end parlor, for fixing your fluffy eyes; since you can get the remedy at your Kitchen Itself!

 Here’s what you need

Bowl Water Ice cubes Milk Cotton Balls Teabags Tissues Cucumber Potatoes


Using Cloth

Pour water into the bowl until it is filled by half of its total capacity. Now, drop 4-5 ice cubes in water. Take a cloth, dip it in icy-cold water and apply to your puffy eyes (massage) for around 5 minutes. Repeat this procedure several times. The cold water reduces inflammation and redness of eyes.

Using Cotton Balls

Now, pour milk into a glass or a cup. Now, dip 2 large cotton balls in the milk. Now, put on these cotton balls to the puffy eyes. Milk helps you in reducing the dark circles below your eyes.

Using Tea Bags

Soak two back tea bags in ice for 10 minutes and apply to the region. Tea Bags helps in constricts blood vessels, thus relieving puffiness.

Using Cucumbers

This is the old and preferred way. Cut two slices of cucumbers or potatoes and keep it over the eyes. Leave the slices for 10-15 minutes.