ALWAYS advise a supervisor before telling other staff members.

IF YOU are nervous, speak to your HR department, friends or family, not colleagues.

ASK your manager how they would like you to communicate your resignation. They may like to be the one who lets the rest of the staff know.

DO NOT resign on the spot. Have a think about it and prepare for your resignation.

SUBMITTING formal written notice of your resignation takes place once the meeting with your supervisor has occurred.

YOUR written notice should be short, polite and to the point.

CONFIRM your intentions to leave, referring to the date and time of your discussion with your manager and the day you intend to finish work.

I have never done any of these the right way, does that make me a bad person? If you don’t want to burn bridges and keep your resume in tact, I suggest reading through this article. One thing they don’t teach you in college is how to write one of these. Smart way to say: I quit – [CareerOne]