Nowadays, we spend so much time typing on a keyboard that typing seems like nothing special; so much so that we seldom give any thought to this survival skill, let alone try to improve our typing speed. If you increase your typing speed by 20%, you can save up to 35 minutes per day. That equals a phenomenal 213 hours per year. Considering that most people have about 10 hours of active time per day, you could be saving up to 21 days each year! However, bringing your typing speed from the average 41 words per minute (wpm) up to 70wpm or above can actually make a difference.

Slow typers are commonly seen as less capable.

A large part of our day is spent typing. Indeed, not having the right technique can cause more trouble than looking awkward in front of friends or co-workers. For instance, a slow typist may be considered less capable and therefore less suitable for a certain job.[2] Although almost everyone can type, typing fast is a valuable skill. Now you might be wondering how to improve your typing speed. Here’s some good news:

To type faster, professional and expensive training is not necessary.

A Finnish research found that people who had not received training in typing, e.g. those who typed with only 2 fingers, could also achieve higher typing speeds of over 70wpm, although trained typists could reach 120wpm.[3] Which is to say, you can also type fast — you just need practice, the correct type of practice.

The main factor influencing speed is the stillness of the palm, not the number of fingers used.

Researcher Dr Weir from Aalto University in Helsinki suggests that keeping your palm still while moving only your fingers to reach for the keys is “the secret”.[4] This helps maintain a consistent finger pattern, allowing you to type quickly and effortlessly for longer periods of time. Now that you know the secret of typing fast, what’s next?

Measure how fast you can type and set a goal for yourself.

The first step is to measure how fast you can type currently so you know where you are now, and to keep track of your progress as you learn to type faster.[5].This should help you set your goal for improvement, and track your progress as your typing speed increases. You can do this via a quick speed test here.

Typing can be fun, you don’t have to always take the serious courses.

While there are plenty of free online typing courses, you can make practice fun for yourself by playing typing games online. Here are a few suggestions:

Barracuda Fingerjig Bubbles

Remember, fast typing does make a difference — it’s 21 days that you can save! Featured photo credit: Stocksnap via