Having gone through giving birth your body is different now and reacts to another pregnancy in new ways. The important thing is to remember that these changes are normal and part of being pregnant the second time around. Here are a few changes that may occur in your second pregnancy:

You can feel this child move earlier than the first one

One of the biggest differences is that you feel you child move around sooner in you belly than your firstborn moved. On average, a first-time mother feels her baby kick around 5 months, whereas on her second time around she can feel it usually around 4 months. This phenomenon is probably due to the fact that a mom is familiar already with how a baby’s movement feels like and can recognize the first tiny kicks and wiggles of their newborn. For first time mothers, any early movement that often feels like tiny bubbles inside their belly, can often be mistaken for intestinal gas.

You tend to show earlier

Your uterus does not shrink back to its previous size, so this allows a head start for baby number two. You might be surprised how soon you “pop” and have a noticeable baby bump this time around, but it is all completely normal. Of course all women’s bodies are different and if you do not tend to show earlier, then that is completely normal and nothing to be alarmed about.

You tend to carry your baby lower

Due to your abdominal muscles getting stretched extensively during your first pregnancy and become significantly weaker, your second baby may reside lower in you abdomen. The benefit of all this is that you most likely will have an easier time breathing and eating more comfortably, since these muscles are already stretched out. The downside is that you will feel the need to pee more frequently much sooner. This means you will also experience an increased amount of pressure on your pelvic area. To ease some of the discomfort, you can do some Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic muscles.

You may experience increased lower back pain

Carrying your child lower can also put more strain on your lower back. It is important to be preventative and ask your physician about any exercises that will strengthen your back. It is also important to make sure you avoid lifting heavy objects or arching your back. When you are standing, remember to bend your knees so you can keep the muscles in your lower back relaxed. When you are sitting for long periods of time, make sure to relieve any pressure on your lower spine by putting your feet up on a low stool. When you are lying down, remember to lie on one side with a pillow between your bent knees.

You may experience some symptoms earlier in your second pregnancy than your first

Pregnancy-related symptoms like hemorrhoids, back pain and varicose veins can occur sooner in your second pregnancy. This is due to the fact that your vessel walls and musculoskeletal structure were weakened during your first pregnancy. This therefore creates an environment for these symptoms to resurface. The upside is that symptoms like morning sickness and cravings are usually not worse then they were the first time around. Although, this differs for each woman and her individual pregnancy. Congratulations on your second pregnancy — and good luck this time around! Featured photo credit: Flickr via flickr.com