While having proper posture will help you command a room and feel more confident, it also has many health benefits. You’ll be less fatigued and build your core, which is a key component to a healthy life. Do you want to project a powerful, successful image? Here are five things that take less than five minutes each that will help.

Start a stretching regimen.

Stretching is a great way to become more flexible and have better posture. You can start with the basics by finding a great video or grabbing an article online. Focus on your calves, back, and neck. Flexibility will make you feel better and make perfect posture more comfortable and natural. Be sure to focus on stretching your back by reaching as high as possible. Try to touch a point about two feet higher than possible, moving to your tippee-toes to do so. Stretch your calves and hamstrings by spreading your legs apart and bending at the waist, reaching to the left, right, and straight down. Stretching your back and your legs will help give you the flexibility needed for perfect posture.

Do yoga.

Yoga’s not just for Zen. It’s all about posture. Your core strength will improve and your posture will instantly improve. You don’t have to go to a yoga studio to get started. There are lots of great videos that can get you started with the basics. Also, know that most cable companies offer some basic yoga videos on demand, so you may have access already. You don’t have to spend hours on this either. Even just five poses for one minute each can help your posture tremendously. And yoga isn’t just for the ladies. Men may even get more out of a quick yoga session since they usually tend to favor muscle-building rather than flexibility exercises, and increased flexibility will help you stand, sit, and walk tall.

Change a chair for a stability ball.

Many people have drastically improved their posture by switching their desk chair for a stability ball. It makes you use your core and ensures proper balance and good posture because if you don’t, you’ll fall!

Build Your Core.

By finding creative ways to work your core throughout the day, you will strengthen the muscles needed for good posture. So how do you do it? Easy! Breathing exercises are a great way to strengthen your core and get the feeling of perfect posture. Take a deep breath, the kind that makes your ribs rise up a couple inches, and hold it for 10 seconds. Repeat this as many times as feels right. It’s a great way to refocus your thoughts and gives you the core strength needed for good posture.

Practice Makes Perfect.

The number one key to good posture? Being conscious of it! Practice makes perfect. Make a conscious effort to maintain good posture as often as possible. You’ll find your muscle memory taking over and your posture improving each and every day. And practicing is easy and can be done anywhere. Next time you’re at the store, shopping for groceries, walking to your car, or even just sitting at your desk, make a conscious effort to improve your posture. Good posture can help you improve your life. You’ll feel more confident, command a room, and be more healthy to boot! Just remember, practice makes perfect!  And the best time to get started is now. Featured photo credit: laverrue via flickr.com