Take two individuals who haven’t made it in life. Person A chooses to use optimistic words, along the lines of “Yes! I can do this!” or “Pain is temporary, pride is forever!” Meanwhile, person B chooses to use pessimistic words, along the lines of “Will this work out for me?” or “No, this is impossible.” Who do you think will have a higher chance to succeed in life? Put yourself on the road to success today by simply changing your daily thoughts and speech. You can do this by avoiding these 7 phrases and by starting to say the things that successful people say.

1. “That’s Not Fair”

Let’s be real, not everything in life is fair. Humans hardly ever think of a win-win situation from the get-go. Instead, they’ll first think, “what’s in it for me?” By simply understanding this, you’ll learn how to accept injustice as part of your life. Instead of saying that life is not fair, try asking yourself how you can make the situation better.

2. “It’s Not Possible”

When successful people run up against an apparent brick wall, they don’t see it as an impossibility, they see it as a challenge waiting to be overcome. Instead of succumbing to the idea that it’s impossible, successful people ask themselves “how do I solve this?”

3. “I Could Have Done It Better”

Instead of constantly whining about things that could have been done better, successful people move on fast from failures. However, they remember the improvements that they had hoped to make and seek to apply them in the future. Tell yourself that you’ll do your best next time instead of wallowing in past failures. Then move on with a clearer mind.

4. “That’s Not Part Of My Job”

This is a big no-no for successful people. Successful people understand that success should be shared among all who contribute and that no one should ever suppress someone else from attaining success. Teamwork is essential for successful people, so instead of saying that something is not part of your job, ask yourself how you can best contribute to your team.

5. “I Don’t Know”

By saying “I don’t know,” you’ve given up the opportunity to learn. Successful people will rarely just say “I don’t know” because they realize that once they do, they’ve succumbed to the habits of a lazy mind. You can observe this in the award-winning movie, Pursuit of Happyness, starring Will Smith. His character was engaged in an interview and said a very memorable sentence befitting a successful person. The line was:

6. “I Have No Choice”

By telling yourself that you do not have a choice, you’re surrendering to the fact that the situation is bigger than you are. By saying that you do not have a choice, you are referring to yourself as that weak victim of circumstances who doesn’t care enough to take over the situation. Successful people look at all the possible choices, and they take advantage of them. Start telling yourself today that you always have a choice.

7. “He/She Is So Stupid”

Successful people do not pass judgment about people, because doing so reflects on their own character and risks ruining their own career. If an issue has to be raised about someone, it should be done in a tactful way instead of by name-calling. You should know that to be successful, you need to change your thinking from negative to positive. Featured photo credit: Business Meeting via pixabay.com