Subconsciously, they mirror others desires, moods, and thoughts. Some people say empaths are highly sensitive, but it goes much deeper than emotions.

Set emotional boundaries.

Being the empath is wonderful in the beginning of a relationship. You’re able to emotionally connect with people on a level that not many can achieve. You see, empaths pick up emotions as fast as a radio picks up a station. However, it becomes troublesome when the relationship goes on and you start feeling overwhelmed with your significant others emotions. While this is completely normal to go through, boundaries must be set in order to keep your relationship in good shape. As wonderful as it is to be connected with someone, it is also a pain. No one wants to deal with other peoples “stuff.” Everyone carries some baggage around, and as empaths, we pick up the baggage for them. You need to practice how to say “no” to those who come to you with their problems every day. Your mental health will zig zag across the room if you continue trying to fix others’ problems, and half the time, you won’t be able to fix them. Setting boundaries for yourself will help this. It might be hard at first, but please make sure you never take on more than you can handle. Sometimes, the best thing you can do for yourself to set boundaries is sit at home and do absolutely nothing. Clear your mind, and ignore the world for a day. Yoga and meditation is a great way for empaths to clear their head.

Don’t compromise yourself.

“You’re too emotional.” “Why do you freak out so easily?” “You need to calm down.” “I need space.” These are things that empaths hear daily, and while they might not bother you, they really hurt us. We can’t help that we’re emotional. In fact, in our minds, we’re not emotional enough. There is always going to be an abundance of emotions flowing through us, and whether you enjoy it or not, they’ll flow through you too. Chances are, the emotions we portray we pick up from you and your body language. We simply cannot help it. If you’re an empath and you hear these things daily, please understand that there is nothing you can do to fix this. Don’t start thinking to yourself “If I just cared less” or “If I wasn’t so emotional this wouldn’t happen.” You are unique. You are special, and it’s great that you’re so caring and empathetic. The partner you’re with doesn’t understand how your mind works, and that’s okay. What isn’t okay is when they say hurtful things and try to make you feel bad about yourself. Never compromise who/how you are for the sake of someone else.

Leave if you need to.

If your relationship is taking a toll and bringing you down more than it’s lifting you up, it’s time to leave. If your partner makes you feel small and insignificant, it’s time to leave. Will it be easy? Absolutely not. It’ll be one of the hardest things you’ll do. The amount of emotions you’ll feel when you stand up for yourself will almost be too hard to handle. However, think of how amazing you’ll feel once you let go of the one person who is making you feel awful about yourself. A partner is supposed to make you feel special. They’re supposed to lift your spirits when you’re down, and soar with you when you’re at your best. When they’re unsure of their emotions, it’s hard to be sure of your own. If you don’t feel like you’re on top of the world with your partner, why are you with them? Remember, a relationship doesn’t have to be physical to be abusive. Mental abuse is just as bad, if not worse at times. If you’re unsure of whether or not you’re an empath, check out this test! Featured photo credit: Via: via

Important Boundaries Empaths Should Set for Themselves in a Relationship - 43Important Boundaries Empaths Should Set for Themselves in a Relationship - 52Important Boundaries Empaths Should Set for Themselves in a Relationship - 94