When it comes to productivity, there are lots of great quotes related to that topic. Although they play a very important role when inspiring and motivating us, the true value comes when you apply the wisdom in your real life. Enter your home office. You know that you’d like to be more productive in that environment, but you don’t know how. If this is the case, then these quotes and the steps for applying them are for you. Enjoy this wisdom and make sure to put the advice into action.

1. “If you eat a frog first thing in the morning, the rest of your day will be wonderful.”

~Mark Twain

Do you have a difficult task that you seem to be putting off: Is it calling to clients or sending an e-mail to your customers? Whatever the task is, you are not alone, since we all have those kinds of “frogs” on our list. However, some people take care of those tasks as soon as possible while some people postpone them until they are forced to do it. Would you like to belong to the first group of people? How to: When you eat the frog first thing in the morning, your day goes much smoother than if you were to postpone the task until later part of the day. In my situation, I deal with a task like this in 3 steps. First, I’ll just make a decision to take care of the task as soon as possible. Sometimes I’ll decide to do the task next day first thing. This way I have more time to prepare for it mentally. Then, I set the exact time when I will call that person or send that e-mail. This happens by marking the task in the calendar and also setting a reminder on my mobile phone. This way I don’t have any excuses, like forgetting it. Finally, I just get started with the task when the time is right. I take the first steps and then often I realize that I actually want to finish what I have just started. For instance, if it’s sending the e-mail, I start writing the message. After few lines of doing so, I want to finish the message at once and send it right away. Alternatively, if it’s a phone call, I prepare myself for the conversation by deciding what to say. In addition, I have a pen and paper (or other note taking equipment) ready, since I most likely have to write something down during the conversation. After I have “eaten the frog,” I feel much better since the task is now done and I don’t have to think about it anymore.

2. To do two things at once is to do neither.

~Publius Syrus

When you work on too many things at the same time, you are unable to focus properly on any of them, and thus you’re not making any real progress. On the other hand, if you are putting your focus on the one thing at a time, you’ll notice that you are getting much more done that way. How to: Try to remember those times when you worked on two things at the same time: What was the end result? Did you have to go back to your tasks and fix the errors since you weren’t focusing enough? Now listen to this: Would you like to save time and get things done faster? If so, then single-tasking is the answer. If you’re working on your computer and creating content for your blog, then following Facebook or Twitter updates at the same time are out of the question (except if you need those sites for research purposes). Or, if you are preparing for the webinar presentation while talking to your wife, neither one will get your full attention. On the other hand, if you move to an environment which is distraction-free (from electronic or other type of distraction), you’ll realize that it’s much easier to focus on your stuff and get your work done. Finally, if your mind is running wild with ideas while you are doing the task, just write those thoughts down. Have a pen and paper with you while you work and “flush your mind” on a frequent basis so that it’s clear of internal “blabber.” Afterwards, you can take a look at the list and do the stuff that you have been writing on your notes.

3. “The best thing to spend on your children is your time”

~Louise Hart

Your family is the most important thing you have. If you have children, make sure you spend enough time with them. This applies especially to the time when your children are small. How to: Make a decision to have a work schedule that you follow and let your children (and your spouse) to know about it. When you finish working, be with your children 100%: Don’t play around with your computer or do other stuff, just be fully present. Play with your kids, go outside for a walk, and just spend quality time with them. Be truly interested what your children have to say and become a good listener. You’ll realize that time will fly fast and your children will grow up quickly. That’s why you should spend more time with them when they are young. Do it now while you have the chance!

4. “If you want to make good use of your time, you’ve got to know what’s most important and then give it all you’ve got.”

~Lee Iacocca

Do you know what the most important part of your business is? Are you focusing on something that doesn’t really move you towards your goals? Whatever the case is, you need to figure out your essential tasks and focus on them 100%. How to: Set aside some time – an hour or two – and really give your business some careful thought: Figure out what the core tasks are which bring you the most important results in your business. Then, list all of the tasks that you do on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis and figure out the ones to get rid of, the ones to delegate, or the ones to automate. If possible, hire a coach who can lend an outsider’s view to your business and who can tell you the strategies and tasks that you should be focusing on. For me, hiring a coach has been a game-changer, as I have been able to find the right things to concentrate on. Besides, having a person to whom I can pitch my ideas to has been very valuable, since he has been able to shoot down my crazy ideas (not all, but some of them), which would have otherwise taken me off track. When you know your overall direction, it’s much easier to put 100% on the right tasks – on a daily basis.

In Conclusion

Quotes are a great way of giving you more inspiration and motivation for your day. At the same time, the true power of them is revealed when you put them into practice. Make sure to take at least one of these quotes and implement it into your daily life. That way your home office productivity gets a boost and you will feel more confident in reaching your goals. Featured photo credit:  Young beautiful woman with white laptop in luxury room via Shutterstock

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