1. Schedule tasks like college classes

2. Delete it, don’t reschedule it

Omer Perchik, 30-year-old founder of Any.do, says you should be realistic about what is important and realistic to get done.

3. Avoid distractions

Shannon Palme, 28-year-old founder of Shannon Palme Web & Graphic Design, says you have to avoid distractions at all cost.

4. Never ever answer the phone

Paula Rizzo, 34-year-old founder of listproducer.com, says you should never ever pick up the phone unless you are expecting the call.

5. Stay on top of your health

Selena Narayanasamy, 29-year-old founder of Orthris, says you have to take care of your health.

6. Have a morning brain purge

Jay Clouse, 23-year-old COO of Tixers, says you should dump everything out of your mind first thing in the morning.

7. Create a sustainable routine

Sean Dudayev, 24-year-old Founder of InsureChance, says you should have a daily routine that you can stick to.

8. Always set deadlines

Tyler Brewer, 24-year-old founder of co-creator of Spontivity, says you should have a deadline for everything.

9. Set a specific time of the day to check email

Jenelle Augustin, 25-year-old founder of RESTore Silk, says you have to set aside only one specific time each day for email.

10. Turn off email notifications

Marc Guberti, 16-year-old co-founder of Teenager Entrepreneur, says you don’t need to be interrupted every time you get an email.

11. Batch your tasks

Tiffany Mason, 24-year-old founder of Mason Coaching and Consulting, says you should batch your tasks.

12. Create a weekly strategy document

Jason Parks, 26-year-old Owner of The Media Captain, says you should create a strategy before beginning every week.

13. Get to inbox zero every day

Sean Butler, 25-year-old founding member of LeanBox, says you should clear out your inbox every day.

14. Do the one thing that would make you satisfied with your day

Greg Archbald, 29-year-old founder of GreaseBook, says you should identify what would make your day a success.

15. Prioritize

Matthew Eagan, 30-year-old CEO of imagefreedom, says you must prioritize your tasks by what will get you results.

16. Use the Pomodoro Technique

Shaun Walker, 30-year-old cofounder of HEROFarm, recommends using the Pomodoro Technique to improve your energy level. There are five basic steps to implementing the technique:

  1. Decide on the task to be done 2. Set the Pomodoro timer to n minutes (traditionally 25) 3. Work on the task until the timer rings; record with an x 4. Take a short break (3–5 minutes) 5. After four Pomodori, take a longer break (15–30 minutes)

17. Run every task through an impact vs. effort analysis

Joshua Dziabiak, 27-year-old founder of The Zebra, says you have to understand the amount of impact a task will have relative to the amount of effort it takes.

18. Never, ever procrastinate

19. Work even when you don’t feel like it

20. Journal daily, even when it seems like there’s no time

21. Set fun activities outside of work

Tim Halberg, 34-year-old founder of Tim Halberg Photography, says you should schedule fun activities outside work to motivate you to finish on time.

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