The four main factors will be the job situation, the cost of real estate, the cost of living, and the climate. Here is a list of cities that you might want to consider based on these factors.

1. Melbourne

Melbourne has reclaimed its position for being one of the world’s most liveable cities. Apart from being built around the scenic Yarra river, making it a prime spot for water sports, its residents are surrounded by cutting-edge architecture, music, green parks, and libraries. The climate is never too hot or too cold. In the summers, the city sees daytime temperature highs of 25 degrees Celsius or more, while the winter drops down to only around 15 degrees Celsius. Getting around the city is very convenient, owing to its well-connected tram network which covers around 150 miles. It has a strong economy and is the hub of Australia’s manufacturing industry. Real estate in Melbourne is cheaper than Sydney by 30-35%.

2. Sydney

There is no doubting the fact that Sydney is the financial capital and the biggest and oldest city of Australia. Sydney is best known for its natural beauty and cultural diversity. Sydney’s economy is larger than that of Hong Kong’s or Singapore’s, producing more than $306 billion worth of goods and services each year. The major industries here are manufacturing, information and communications technology, tourism, financial and professional services, and research and education. Employment prospects in Sydney are generally considered to be quite good, with plenty of opportunities available and a low unemployment rate. Sydney is the most expensive city in Australia to live in and proudly features in lists of the most expensive cities in the world. According to Tom Caesar, Managing Director of The Positive Group, “with the help of several home financing solutions, people still prefer to choose Sydney. Weather-wise, in the warmest months, Sydney’s temperatures can go up to 40 degrees Celsius whereas in winters temperature can fall to 6 degrees.”

3. Adelaide

Adelaide is known for its Mediterranean climate and a population of about 1.3 million. It is now emerging as an increasingly popular place to live for new arrivals to Australia — especially for students. The weather is pleasant and hits around 7 degrees in the winter months and jumps to 30 degrees on an average during the summer. Adelaide boasts a healthy economy and there are plenty of job opportunities. Major industries in Adelaide include healthcare, manufacturing, retail, public administration, education and training, and healthcare. It is also considered as one of Australia’s most affordable cities.

4. Perth

A consistently warm city, Perth’s weather peaks above 30ºC during summer and dips to around 18ºC during winter. The mining sector employs a lot of people in the city, along with other industries like tourism, manufacturing, financial services, healthcare, and information and communications technology. The cost of living is quite affordable here.

5. Canberra

Canberra has quite a dry climate and is prone to frosty conditions during the extreme winters. The temperatures can be as low as zero in the winter and as high as 28ºC during the summer. Canberra houses the parliament and, as a result, many of its residents are public servants working for either the Australian or ACT (Australian Capital Territory) Governments. It has also started to attract some employment in the cultural sectors. The city is quite affordable in terms of cost of living. Featured photo credit: Flickr, Creative Commons: Sacha Fernandez via