Joshua Katz, NC State University PhD student, has mapped out linguist difference in 22 areas, but there are far more than just these 22.

What Do You Call the Miniature Lobsters Found in Streams and Lakes?

The Pronunciation of Delicious Goodness Found On Your Ice Cream or Coffee

The North Has a Canadian Accent

Oddly, Two Places Call it a “Boo-wie” Knife

For the Sake of the Kids. Agree On How to Pronounce Crayon

In the North You Will Pronounce Your Lawyer as “Loyer”

The South Loves Their Slaw

The Largest Divide In America

Let’s Just All Call it Miracle Whip

Divided Over What We Wear to Bed

Everyone Pronounces Pecan Pie Differently

Order Your Drink Properly or You Might Get a Weird Look

What Do You Call Traffic Circles

Most of Us Enjoy “Sir-Up” On Our Pancakes

Philadelphia Likes to Invent Their Own Words

What is a “Blubber”?

Grab My What for a Run?

The West Drives On Freeways. The Rest Like to Drive on Highways

What Do You Call it When It Rains and the Sun is Out?

Where is “The City”?

Welcome to the Liquor Drive-Thru. What Can We Get You?

Mary is Merry Now That She is Married

Featured photo credit: Joshua Katz via

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