Helena Lane Skin Care

When it comes to long travels, you should need natural care products as they contain nature’s most healthful and nourishing substance, Royal Jelly, to enhance your skin’s natural glow.

Skin Serum

Helena’s Argan + Frankincense is one of the healthiest skin summer skin serum. It’s easily absorbed, intensely hydrating and works on all skin types. Skin Serum is one of the most widely used products for getting a healthy skin naturally. It will bring out the skin’s natural radiance in just a matter of days. The serums contain natural ingredients such as licorice root extract, royal jelly, and glycerin to draw out skin’s natural radiance.

Belmondo Organic Skin Care

Belmondo Night Cream

Belmondo Night Cream is another product that you need for natural skin care. It gives your skin a new radiance when you wake up in the morning. It acts as a soft natural moisturizer, made of nature’s most nutritious substances (royal jelly), extracts and botanical oils to help boost skin’s natural radiance. Just pair it with the best foot massager to relax yourself before sleep.

Graydon Clinical Luxury

Anti-Aging Cream

Anti-aging Cream is also essential for the healthy skin. It contributes to removing wrinkles and patches from the skin along with all oil and dirt. It is a must have when you plan long travels.

Health Care Tips

When you are traveling all over the globe, you should take care of the below-mentioned points to stay fit and healthy.

Food Supplements

As we all know that nutrition is the most vital part of the human body, no matter where you go. These nutrients are crucial to keeping our minds and body healthy as our nutrition needs vary as the time passes. These requirements depend on the changes that take place in our body with the passage of time. Perhaps, we all don’t know that our body needs several proteins, vitamins, amino acids and according to a recent research amino acids and omega 3-6-9 are not produced by our body, so we need to intake them in the form of food supplements.


Did you know that somewhere in the pituitary gland there is a reservoir of hormones which are responsible for various functions in our body? These are necessary hormones and nobody could deny their importance in any case. These hormones are responsible for our body growth and also keep us healthy throughout our lives. It is known as Human Growth Hormone and it is also called as the secret to renewed strength and ageless beauty. As we grow older, our pituitary gland will stop producing this hormone. But no worries, there are several products available all over the world to treat level of hormones in your body naturally.

Blood Pressure

The cardiovascular system, which constitutes the heart and the blood vessels, is the essential part of the body. The cardiac muscles maintain the flow of oxygenated blood throughout the entire body to carry out the body functions properly. So, to keeping a steady BP is quite crucial as high blood pressure exerts pressure on the heart which ultimately affects the cardiac muscles. Nowadays, several supplements help to treat the high blood pressure naturally. These products contain herbal products that are completely harmless to the human body. So, here are some of the common things that you have to keep in mind while you travel to other countries. Featured photo credit: Beautyeditor via 67.media.tumblr.com