Conscious actions vs Unconscious actions

Neuroscience research results have continually shown that there is a stark difference between performing an activity consciously and unconsciously. Conscious efforts involves burning a lot of energy and time, but it is necessary and an important training to get to the level of performing the activity unconsciously. Conscious efforts spent practicing daily, internalizes the performance of any activity and summarily makes the performance of such activity less tasking in future times. What is however surprising, is how much more people are failing to subscribe to this even as it presents more benefit on the long run.

Taking effort to train the unconscious mind

“The non-conscious mind plays a much deeper role in our everyday decisions and relationships than we may realize.” Chris Baranniuk in this article points out the essence of training the unconscious mind to perform tasks effortlessly and in fast turnaround. Unfortunately, many grapple with the conscious mind in taking decisions, instead of training their sub-conscious to take charge and control their reaction to events and happenings. Training the sub-conscious gives you an opportunity to experience events in the mind first and this helps you prepare and learn how to react to these events in readiness for when they manifest in the physical. This is the truth behind the success of several athletes, designers, advertisers and even addiction to certain behavior.

Making the most of the physical through the power of the subconscious mind

Our world is bi-layered. Events happen first on a sub-conscious level before they manifest. In light of this, there is an unprecedented advantage embedded in training your subconscious brain to help you gain conscious awareness of these events as they happen. This is a free access to creating the conscious from your subconscious. It may be challenging to get started, especially if the results do not turn out as expected initially, but I tell you that its benefits are far more tremendous. “Our conscious mind are really just a summary of what our brains get up to all the time.” Through the subconscious, we can take unrestricted charge of what happens to us consciously. If you still find it hard to believe, or you think it is an unrealistic endeavor, then you should read the full article here for a start.