Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and as a result, we develop a condition called respiratory failure. Minor cases of the condition are manifested by shortness of breath, rapid breathing, and in more severe cases, patients can experience confusion and sleepiness. Many respiratory diseases and injuries affecting respiratory organs can cause lack of oxygen in our body, yet in most cases of respiratory failure, the reason is actually because of our improper way of breathing.

Shallow vs. Deep Breathing

Most people fall into the category of shallow breathers, since they take short, shallow, chest breaths. Usually caused by inactivity, muscle stiffness, and poor posture, shallow breathing does tremendous damage to our overall health. Since we are not utilizing our entire lung capacity, residual carbon dioxide remains inside causing fatigue, respiratory sluggishness, and diminished tissue function. On the other hand, deep breathing helps our lungs to function properly by providing our organs with blood rich in oxygen. It also clears airways and helps dispel residue from our lungs making us feel more energized altogether.

How to do it right?

By now we are well informed about the importance of proper breathing. Here we will deal with the techniques anyone can do at home in order to prevent more serious respiratory failure. Even though our lungs are not muscles, they need to exercise too. Pranayama deep breath exercises provide great solution for those who need to improve their breathing habits. You get to feel great in the process too since the movements and breaths it involves are known to help to awaken life force energy – Prana. By implementing three Pranayama exercises, you will improve gas exchange and enhance energy levels.

1. Breath of fire

Sit with your legs crossed and back straight. Your arms are resting on our knees with hands facing up. Breathe energetically through your nose pumping your navel.

2. Kapalabhati

This is a variation of Breath of fire with more focus on the exhale with your arms stretched in the air. Breathe from your abdomen.

3. Bhastrika

This warrior breath pumping requires you to lift your arms in the air as you inhale, and lower your elbows to touch your ribs as you exhale saying “Hah”. Again, breathe deeply from the abdomen. If you are interested in seeing these breathing exercises in practice, we suggest you taking a look at this video below: