Why is this?

Well, the main reason is simple. It takes time to create that value for other people and it takes time to become visible to that group of buyers that your value product is targeted at. And we all know how time and the passing of it can kill anything you’ve started right? Remember, you’re going from completely unknown to the level where you start getting noticed, by people in your niche or by search engines like Google. First, you will start seeing traffic coming your way as well as returns and revenue. But the beauty of it is that you still can pay your monthly bills, keep a roof over your head and have a source of regular funding to prepare your new life.

This is what has been penned as a “chicken strategy.”

It’s not my own devised system, but it is the one that I have been dutifully following myself for the past years as I’m a staunch believer of it. Just to make it clear: it has nothing to do with food production, but everything to do with sensible start-up entrepreneurship. You see, one of the reasons why a large percentage of online start-up businesses fail, is much due to the fact that they pour all their investment (time and money) into the business without having first tested whether there’s a market for it first. Worse than that, they also hand their notice in with their current employer, cutting off the only supply of income they have in the process. In the poker world, this would be called the “all in” tactic, which subsequently has a meager chance of success in winning or losing the round. When it comes to your life, this is not a very advisable tactic to say the least. Russian roulette seems also to be a suitable name for it. It takes a lot of hard work and perseverance to get your idea up and running. No kidding. I know ALL about it, as I´m still working at it! But if you are passionate about it, you will succeed. In the beginning your progress is governed much by the massive drive and eagerness you have inside you, and that everyone has as they commence something new and exciting. I guess you can compare it to what we call “tunnel vision,” that feeling of narrow focus one gets when driving at high speeds. Here, everything around you blurs and you´re concentration is solely set on the far end of that focus. Well, to succeed with what you’ve started, this tactic just won´t do. You see, it’s of utmost importance that as you progress you not only keep an eye on the end line (your overall goal), but also gather up all the information you can, coming from all kinds of angles along the way. The reason being; these are what fuels your drive to succeed. The more you get the greater the chance of you succeeding. Stick to your current job. Don’t burn any bridges. Work on your own business on the side, until one day you can fire your boss and live that life you so desire.