Healthy skin is something we create, not something we buy – and we can create it in a very simple way: eating salmon.

So don’t spend too much money on these useless creams when you can turn to a food for help! Salmon has something that not too many foods have: Omega-3 fatty acids, and two essential fats such as EPA and DHA. These are necessary if we want to stay youthful and healthy all the days of our life. These fatty acids moisturize skin from the inside out, They protect the skin from excess sun exposure better than sunscreen can, they are natural anti-inflammatories, and they help our bodies produce antioxidants that combat skin damaging free radicals. Learn more about these essential fats here.

Here is a simple salmon recipe that you can make in less than 20 minutes:

Lemony Salmon You’ll need 4 salmon fillets, half a stick of butter, a lemon, garlic powder, and salt. This is a simple recipe that has only two steps but tastes like it has 15. Your salmon doesn’t need much work in order to taste delicious and become your next family favorite.

Other benefits of salmon

Not only is salmon absolutely delicious, but it is one of the healthiest foods we can eat. While enjoying the cosmetic effects salmon gives us, we will also be improving the health of our brains as well as our hearts.

Salmon can restore memory and improve brain power

Dr. Perlmutter, a neurologist and author of Grain Brain has this to offer on his blog about how DHA can help protect and restore brain health: The key reason that DHA has become such a darling of medical researchers lately is that it triggers the production of BDNF, meaning that it’s DHA which kickstarts the growth of new neurons in our brain, leading to improved memory Not only is DHA helpful for prevention, it can also help reduce, and even repair, cognitive decline! Research indicates that it will help prevent Alzheimer’s, problems with your memory, and potentially extend your lifetime.

Salmon is especially good for children

The protective benefits of DHA not only help us age we age, but in the womb as well. This is further evidenced by a new study from Spain that says that the children of mothers who consumed more fish from as early as the first trimester of their pregnancy experienced cognitive benefits. The children were followed by researchers until age five. Many pregnant women shy away from fish while pregnant because the idea of mercury poisoning scares them, however in this study there was no evidence of any mercury poisoning or adverse effects whatsoever – in fact, the opposite was the case. If you want to see if salmon is right for you during pregnancy, ask your doctor before consuming it.

How much salmon to eat each day?

Dr. Perlmutter recommends taking a DHA supplement if at least 1,000 mg per day. If you are a strict vegetarian and do not eat fish, this may be an option for you as well. So eat up, and kick memory loss, dementia, and Botox to the curb. Make the switch to salmon today! Featured photo credit: via