We all struggle with passwords. Protecting our own personal information and accounts is an arduous task at best — that is if we pay much attention to it at all. It is imperative to use unique, secure passwords for all your sites — not just your bank account. Rather than post-it notes, text files, or even keeping all your passwords nicely organised in your address book, take ten minutes now and check out LastPass, a (mostly) free password manager.

To recap, here are some of the features that LastPass has to offer:

Never lose passowrds Auto fill options Generate difficult to remember (or hack passwords) A different pasword for every account Available for Mac, Windows and Linux Mobile-ready for iOS, Android BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Symbian and even WebOS

Now that you’ve got a working knowledge of this phenomenal software-as-a-service, it’s time to install LastPass and escape password purgatory forever. Not only will you have a safer selection of passwords, you’ll have leveled up your productivity in the process. And that’s the kind of password hack worth trumpeting. (Photo credit: Password in Binary Code via Shutterstock)