To ‘fake it’ isn’t necessarily a lapse in authenticity

It isn’t that you have to make false claims or lie, it’s not about being superficial. It’s actually a matter of attitude. A way of living your reality in a way that manifests your deepest desires. The notion of positive thinking and the power of the mind to influence our lives is not a new idea. There is a long history of how happiness is a right and should be endorsed as a state of mind that can alter our physical reality. In Bhutan, they actually measure Gross National Happiness or GNH as a means of determining the prosperity of the nation. Rather than relying on data surrounding Gross Domestic Product or GDP to measure material affluence, a more western concept, they instead are more concerned with their spiritual and attitudinal health and wealth, which stems from their Buddhist heritage. The idea that we should ‘fake it till we make it’ alludes to the notion that if we live as though our goals are already within reach, that we are already the person we want to be and have the success we envisage, then the reality will naturally manifest itself because every thought and every action will contribute to and shape the reality of its very existence.

The Power of Placebo

The power of the mind to heal the body has been documented extensively. Placebo is a means of suggestion. It tells the brain what the outcome should be and tricks it into making it a reality. In medicine, doctors have given patients what they think are remedies, a sugar pill for instance, and because the patient believes that they are being treated, the brain and the body behaves in a manner that makes it a reality. Many alternative and complementary medicines rely on this very method. The same principles of placebo or being willing to ‘fake it’ when it comes to achieving personal goals, works in much the same way. If you harness your state of mind and convince yourself that your goal is within reach; if you behave as though you are living the desires and ambitions that you dream about, there is no reason why it isn’t possible for those fantasies to actually occur. Within reason. It can be argued that factors such as luck of birth, inherited wealth, physical ability and genetic make up will almost certainly influence the reality of what you desire.

Be Careful of What You Wish for

What you desire needs to be realistic and healthy, but that doesn’t mean that a positive attitude needs to be abandoned if your reality doesn’t match your goals. A positive attitude will in fact give you the tools to conquer anything that comes your way in life. It will also give you the clarity and strength to discover your true path and find your most authentic self. The end objective should always be personal happiness and satisfaction. Whether you want to be a better partner or parent, live a healthier and fitter life, travel the world, climb a mountain, start a business, write a book, lead a country, change the world; whatever your ambitions, your mindset and the manner in which you conduct yourself and face adversity is half the work. Having a positive attitude allows you to ‘fake it till you make it’ while at the same time being the most genuine and truthful that you can possibly be. A positive outlook lets you see obstacles for what they are and makes you solution oriented so that you tackle each event of adversity with creativity and optimism. Believing in yourself and having faith in your capabilities means not comparing yourself to others. It means looking inwardly to the self determination that exists within you and running a one person race. It means living each day being the best person you can possibly be and knowing that with every step you are one step closer to success.