If You Build It Your Happiness Will Increase

If You don’t know what to build, then try building the game of Cornhole. I built an outdoor game so when friends and family came to visit we could be outside with something to do. It’s a lot like horse shoes, but it won’t eat up your lawn. The things you toss are cloth bags filled with corn. You toss them at a 6 inch hole cut out of a wooden board. Three points if you make it into the hole and one point if you land it on the wooden board. The two wooden boards are placed about twenty-seven feet apart and the first person to score 21 wins. I never played the game before, but after hearing about it on the radio I looked it up and the idea energized me. Instead of putting it on the back burner like a lot of my past ideas, I decided to give myself fifteen minutes to research and plan the construction of Cornhole. Once I did that I was hooked. It took me three weekends to build and paint, but after it was done my pride was beaming. I ordered the corn bags online and they arrived two days before the party began. My friends and family had a grand time tossing around the bags and making raunchy jokes throughout each game. The name of Cornhole will do that to any beer drinking crowd.

Give it a Go

The little ideas are the ones that seem to give the most pleasure. The next time you have an idea for a small project, jot down a few notes before you forget about the idea. Then take a few minutes to do some Internet research and see what happens. You’ll probably have a little jolt of energy and feel like giving that little sparkle of an idea a try. Even if it doesn’t work out you’ll probably extract some joy from it. If you don’t get any pleasure from working on a small project then I’ll send you a personal apology postcard. Just email me your information. You won’t go on any mailing list, just an apology for giving you an idea that didn’t increase your happiness. My guess is that no one will take advantage of this offer because I know it works. Action creates excitement and excitement creates good feelings. It’s a recipe for success.

Small Projects Generate Good Feelings - 3