It’s not the hotel rooms and fancy presents that suggest the longevity of a relationship but the sweet moments shared at the breakfast table or in the bathroom first thing in the morning as you both rush out to work. Here are some examples of some everyday signals that tell you this man is for the long road.

1. He’s the first person you look for when you get big news – you can’t wait for his reaction.

2. You guys still hold hands in public after one year together.

3. You’re happy to wash his smelly gym gear.

4. If he doesn’t text all day it’s not a big deal – you miss hearing from him but you know he’s busy.

5. He very gently clips your toe nails for you.

6. You massage his back after his stressful day even though you’re tired yourself.

7. He remembers the anniversary of your first date and always marks the occasion.

8. When you’re out together he only looks at you – he has no interest in anyone else.

9. You finish his sentences for him and he doesn’t mind.

10. Sometimes you answer the question that he’s just about to ask.

11. Other times you know when he’s going to call you or he knows when you’re going to call him.

12. You always prepare the veg and he does the meat. That’s just how you roll.

13. You laugh at the same things and at the same time.

14. He pretends not to notice when you haven’t shaved your legs.

15. You always find what he’s looking for. Glasses, bag, jacket he knows you’ve got him covered.

16. You leave out a towel for him when he’s in the shower.

17. He just smiles when your cooking goes horribly wrong yet again.

18. He cuddles up to you in your PJ’s – you’re always attractive to him.

19. When you’re out together you know from your body language what the other one is thinking.

20. He always satisfies you in bed – or at least tries his best.

21. He tries to stay awake after sex to keep you company.

22. You love to cook for him even though you know you’re rubbish at it.

23. You use the toilet when he’s in the shower – no biggy.

24. You don’t mind picking up his smelly socks.

25. He’s cool with buying your tampons.

26. He’s upset when you’re upset but he stays strong for you.

27. He always knows when you need a hug.

28. You always know when he needs a hug.

29. You still kiss a lot even after one year together.

30. You laugh when he hangs a picture crooked.

31. You brag about him to your Dad on the phone.

32. He brags about you to his Mom on the phone.

33. He cooks every Sunday and lets you have a long hot soak.

34. You play with your technology ever Sunday afternoon lying together on the couch.

35. He’s happy to spend time with your friends – he considers them his friends.

36. He won’t watch HOMELAND until you can watch it together.

37. He stands up for you when the neighbor gives you grief for scratching her car.

38. You understand each others bodies – you don’t need to talk about it now, it just works.

39. You reassure him when he lays the new floor all wrong.

40. He still insists on paying for dinner even after two years together.

41. You don’t tell him how bad his dodgy haircut really is.

42. He licks his lips after your terrible lasagne – he even has second helpings.

43. You laugh half way through an argument and he joins you – you can’t stay angry at each other for long.

44. You don’t like being apart for more than a night and you call and text constantly.

45. You haven’t fancied anyone else since you met him.

46. You still buy each other small gifts for no particular reason.

47. You love to holiday together.

As you can see there are lots of tell tale signs that you will grow old with this special man in your life. Maybe your partner is always looking out for you or you have fallen into comfortable habits that you would miss were they not there? Falling in love with the right person is one of the best feelings imaginable but growing into a deeper love that is based in understanding and trust is the most reassuring feeling there is. When you’ve got the man you will grow old with you will know – why ? Because he’s a legend.