Well, there is a big reason why this quotation is on the top. As you probably have guessed, that there is NO SHORTCUT for success, if you want to become a great person or to achieve success or to be a shining star or to become a diamond in the world full of rocks…and so on and so forth. Wait a minute, these things seem IMPOSSIBLE, and if you want to achieve the impossible, then you have to do the impossible.

A True Story

Let me tell you a story of two good friends. They both grew up in quite normal and ordinary circumstances. Both were not very much privileged. Both went out to search for a job and faced disappointment over and over again. One person misunderstood the situation completely, thinking that there are no jobs out there so he just gave up. Then in this moment of desperation, he started to spend his time in the solitude, being cut off from the world and started talking to his other negative friends. So with the passage of time, he became depressed, bitter, and angry with others. His relations were being crippling apart, his soul was now tormented. His friend, this other guy who kept looking for the job, applied in every institution possible, hoping that there’s a way, hoping that somewhere out there there’s an opportunity waiting for me. But soon he realized that he was making no progress, so he came to an institution and said, “If you can’t hire me then be it, I know you can use my talents. Just allow me to work in your office, don’t give me anything. I just want to be busy.” Sometime later, a top manager quit. Guess who they selected for the position: this other guy.

Difference Between THE OUTSIDE and THE INSIDE World

Now what was the difference between the two guys, THE OUTSIDE and THE INSIDE. THE OUTSIDE was telling them that there is nothing for them in the world, but THE INSIDE, their believes mattered. One person quit and the other one kept working, he kept moving forward forward. Because he believed: Now all of us are like either of these two person. Successful people do simple things that make them so great. All they do is simple, they KEEP MOVING FORWARD no matter how hard THE OUTSIDE world is. After reading this, we are now very pumped up and motivated, we believe we can do anything. But what will happen after an hour or a day or a week? You will run out of this motivation, your fuel for life will be empty. So what will you do then? The answer to this question is quite simple: No matter what happens in your life: don’t give up, don’t give in. There is always an answer to everything. Just take small steps on your way to success. Featured photo credit: pixaboy.com via pixabay.com