Here’s quick run down of our channels: @lifehackorg on Twitter We are currently using the Stepcase Lifehack account on Twitter to notify our followers of new articles that are being published on Lifehack. If you haven’t yet subscribed to our RSS feed, follow us on Twitter to get the latest lifehack articles. We hope to use this channel to converse with our readers as well. @stepcase on Twitter Stepcase account provides company blog updates, news, upcoming products and support for our current line of Stepcase Apps. So if you want to learn more about Stepcase, stop by for a visit to our Hong Kong office or want to offer us feedback, follow this account and converse with the team in Hong Kong. Stepcase Facebook fan page Much like our @lifehackorg Twitter account, the Facebook fan page is currently aggregating articles from both the Stepcase company blog and Stepcase Lifehack blog. We are looking for ways to improve this to benefit our readers. If you have any suggestions, join us on Facebook and share your ideas with us. See you guys there!