Show Up No Matter What

Any famous author, musician, or actor will tell you that their success was a long journey in the making. Whether it’s writing that book for the next 10 years or going to repeated interviews for your dream job, its the consistency that will gather your success for you. By showing up at every chance you get, you are confirming that you really want it. If you quit halfway through, you won’t get what you want.

You Alone Are Responsible

When it comes to your life, you are the responsible one. You make all the choices and you call all the shots. No one else can give you want you want and no one can take it away from you. Own it and you will find yourself owning more than you ever thought you would.

Consistency is Key

To master anything in life takes showing up and practicing. A lot. It’s a marathon, not a quick run around the neighborhood. So no matter how many times you need to practice, do it. If you truly want it, the practice will be that important to you. While we hear of success stories that happen overnight, most success stories are not. They are the result of blood, sweat, and tears. And consistency. In the grnd cake recipe of life, you need that dash of consistency. Featured photo credit: Francesco Gallarotti via