Everyone has a set of hacks or little tricks that help them get their job done a little more quickly, a little more cheaply, or with a little more fun. For example, I’m a writer, so it’s crucial for me to always have a pen with me. To make sure I don’t catch myself without one, I put pens everywhere – in my pockets, in my shoulder bag, in my car, on my desk. If I could, I’d put one in my wallet! Well, with today’s prize, I can put a pen in my wallet, and one with style, too. That’s because today’s prize is a Sterling Silver Wallet Pen from Vat19. And since a wallet pen of this caliber deserves an equally great wallet to put it in, we’re also giving away a artful wallet from the folks at dbclay. Now there’s  a combination you won’t forget to put in your pocket!

Vat19 Sterling Silver Wallet Pen

The handcrafted Sterling Silver Wallet Pen is made, as you might have guessed, of sterling silver and writes with black ink (a replacement cartridge is included). At 3” long and a fraction of an inch around, it’s the perfect size for nestling into the crease of your wallet, so it’s always handy when you need it. Throw in a few post-it notes or a couple half-index cards, and you’ve got yourself a tiny portable office for on-the-go thinking. But it’s the little things that make or break a pen, right? Fir instance, the clip – how many pens do you have with broken-off clips? They snap in with flimsy little tabs, little better than the paper dolls you made when you were a 2nd-grader. But the Sterling Silver Wallet Pen’s clip is molded directly into the pen itself. There’s no way it’s snapping off! Which means it will stay in your wallet, where you put it. Forever (which is why the pen has a lifetime guarantee). (Retail Price: $47 US)

dbclay Wallet

And with a wallet as beautiful as a dbclay wallet, you won’t be ashamed to whip out your wallet pen whenever inspiration strikes. Solidly made and designed wallets printed with amazing, breathtaking images – the perfect complement for your stunning pen. Made of eco-friendly “Tope” fabric, dbclay wallets are durable, heat- and cold-resistant, waterproof, nontoxic, PVC-free synthetic fabric, and are printed with environmentally-friendly inks. Vision and values! The winner will get their choice of dbclay “Version 3.1” wallets, subject to availability. (Retail price: $48)

How do you win?

To enter, we want you to give us your best work hack or rule of thumb. Share your special knowledge with the world, by leaving your tip in the comments here. The winner will be chosen by random drawing from everyone who has left a link in the comments on this post by 12:00 Noon PST on Wednesday, September 3rd. The drawing will be done by random number generator within a few days of the close of the drawing. All links will be verified. The prizes will be sent direct from our sponsor.

Stay Tuned!

We’re kicking off the second week of the Lifehack Great Big Summer Giveaway with a great prize, but there’s still plenty of other great prizes on their way! We’ll be giving away prizes related to the working life every day this week, including: Don’t forget to enter last week’s contests in the Lifehack Great Big Summer Giveaway. And write a blog post about work and style to win the Careerbags.com JoJo Laptop Tote in yesterday’s contest! We’ll be announcing winners for the first week early next week, after Labor Day. And check back every day this week for more chances to win!

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