Well, it is no surprise that swimmers are lean and ripped because swimming is on the list of top calorie-burning activities known to man. At 840 calories per hour for men and 720 for women, people who are considering losing weight should definitely consider our recommended swim workout plan. Not only does it help you lose weight, it also helps you to build some serious stamina. If you want to know more about weight loss, you can’t miss the following article that provides all useful tips you need: Weight Loss Plan And Program: Create Your Own One

Mind Prep

Before each and every training program, write down on a piece of paper what you would like to achieve from it. The goal has to be very specific and down to the details of who you want to impress or for which event you would like to lose weight. For example, “Lose weight for a rave party event,” is not probably not motivating enough, but “Lose weight for a rave party and have friends notice my crazy progress,” sounds more like a driver.

Beginner to Intermediate Level Swimming for Weight Loss

If you’ve been on a swimming hiatus, worry not — this plan will ease you back into your stride. The program is split into 2 sessions per week and each session would last about 15-30 minutes depending on how fast you swim. Remember, this program is all about swimming for weight loss, so you will be working out every part of your body.

Week One

Session 1 (Swim 300m)

Warm up:
4 x 25m laps at a slow pace Note: Go as easy and slow as you can as this is just the warm-up phase. Main Set: 2 x 25m with fins Note: Fins allow you to manoeuvre in the water faster. 2 x 25m with a pull buoy Note: Doing freestyle with a pull buoy will help you be more aware of your strokes. Lead the board with your fingertips and your hands should be higher than your elbow when pulling through the water. Do not drop your elbow.  2 x 25m with a kickboard Note: A kickboard will help you develop lower-body strength, involving a lot of kicking.  *Rest for 1 minute between sets. Cool Down: 2 x 25m at a slow pace

Session 2 (Swim 400m)

Warm up:  4 x 25m laps at a slow pace Note: Rest for 2 minutes after this set. Main Set:  4 x 25m with snorkel Note: The snorkel allows you to concentrate more on your strokes than on your breathing.  4 x 25m with a kickboard Note: Make sure your elbows are kept high when you perform your strokes and you should lead the board with your finger tips.  Cool Down:  4 x 25m laps at your own pace Note: Remember your techniques and do not fall back on old habits.

Week Two and Beyond

For the second week, increase your warm-up set to an extra 4 rounds, making it 8 x 25m during the first session. Also, in the second session add an extra 4 rounds to one of the sets to make it 8 x 25m while using a pull buoy to add strength and stamina. For the following week, follow second week’s training while adding an extra alternate arm training to the main set. At 4 x 25m, you should only use your left arm to pull through the water for the first 50m and then use only your right arm to pull through the water for the last 50m. With this plan, you will eventually reach a total of 600m per session. At this rate, you will be losing about 200-300 calories per session, which will take you about 15-30 minutes to complete. After three weeks of swimming, your technique and stamina will have been built up to a level where you feel you could go for more. Stop procrastinating — swimming for weight loss starts when you take the first step into the pool. Always challenge yourself to do more, as progress does not happen in your comfort zone. Featured photo credit: Swimmer via swimbetterhq.com