Step 1: De-clutter your space The week prior to my eclectic productive state, I was low, I had fallen off the wagon, my creative juices were absent and I had forgotten what were the productivity beliefs I wholeheartedly agreed to. But then there was a shift. It started by revisiting my goals. I reminded myself of the things that I want from my life. I thought of the goals that excite me; the ones that challenge me and I repeated to myself all the reasons why I want to achieve them. Step 2: Remind Yourself of your Goals Next I took restock of my positive habits, the yoga and meditation that calm and clear my mind, the exercise that invigorates me, and the healthy food that nourishes my body. I do have good habits but it wasn’t always this way. My youth was chaotic. I liked to refer to the chaos as spontaneity and I clung to this title for many years feeling like it represented my “Libertad”. Throughout the years and with each additional offspring I reluctantly adopted routines and habits to help assist me with my parenting, then gradually in my career and throughout my life. Step 3: Re-engage Positive Habits What I discovered was that spontaneity and living life without the structure of routines may be fine when backpacking across Australia but try to run a household, a business, have meaningful relationships, study, write, exercise, meditate with this attitude. And that’s just Monday’s tasks! I’m afraid I only know one way, and that way involves systems, routines and good positive habits! Go with the Flow Please don’t get me wrong. If opportunity comes knocking and the change to do something out of the routine, away from the norm, I’ll go all in and happily break the routine to feel the freedom and wind in my hair. Having children can regularly induce this state of non-conformity; I make my plans and set my goals and BAM! Someone is sick and needs their mama. Or someone is bored and needs a playmate. Or someone is naughty and invades ones workspace. These are the times you use Branson’s words and say, “screw it let’s do it” and I get an opportunity to be spontaneous again. So what am I saying? I’m saying it’s ok to break the rules and go with the flow of the moment, but then what? Then jump right back on that wagon with your goals set and your positive habits installed. It’s a lot easier to get back on track after life throws a curve-ball or a little marble of interruption in your day when you have your goals and habits to support you. Strive for your goals but don’t forget to be present and smell the roses every once in awhile. This will ensure that you achieve what you want to achieve as well as enjoy the journey. In Summary: Productivity Slump Reversal

  1. De-clutter. A clean sweep will always get things going in the right direction.
  2. Remind yourself of your goals and why you want to achieve them.
  3. Re-engage positive habits that support and encourage you. Life is the journey people, don’t forget to enjoy each day.
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